Chapter 2: Dinner for two

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I was in a clearing in the forest, again. I looked at my hands and for some reason, I could see right through them. What the hell? I look around and I see myself talking with Elijah? Okay, wait what is going on? I walk towards me and Elijah.

"Okay so you can't hear my name and I can't hear yours." I hear my self say.

This is too weird.

"It would seem so." Elijah was leaning against a tree with his hands in his pockets while looking up.

"This is going to be awkward to talk to you without knowing your name. You know what I'm giving you a nickname." I was pointing my finger at his face now. Wow, I was bold. Then again it seems as though I don't know who or what I am talking to.

"Very well. Then I shall give you a nickname as well." Elijah was smiling while pushing my hand down so it wasn't in his face.

"Fine. Hmm. What to call you? You obviously are some kind of rich guy with that suit." I paused for a second with my right hand in a fist resting my chin on it while my left arm was crossed over my chest acting as a support for my right arm. My head was tilted to the side.

It was surreal to see myself talking to Elijah. I couldn't help myself and I reached my hand out to try and touch his shoulder. My hand went right through him and he didn't even see to notice. Another thought popped into my head. I walked in front of myself and stood in front of Elijah. I started to wave my arms in front of his face. He didn't react. I guess I am a ghost or invisible then. I then turned around when I heard my self talk again.

"I got it! I'm going to give you the nickname Regal. Since you seem so well, regal." I said while hitting my left hand with a fist in an 'I got it' kind of way. Elijah just smiled at me, well the other me.

"Very well. If I am Regal then I shall call you Angel." Elijah moved off the tree and was standing in front of the other me.

I could see that I was blushing.

"Wha... Why the name Angel?" I could tell that I was embarrassed by the nickname.

"Because you are as beautiful as an angel." Elijah was cupping the other me's cheek and looking into my eyes.

Well dam, he is smooth.

The other me was blushing like mad now and couldn't look Elijah in the eyes. Soon everything started to move away from me while also fading away until I couldn't see anything.


I opened my eyes slowly. I could feel that I was moving or rather the car I was in was moving. I could also feel that something was on top of me. It was warm and it smelled of sandalwood. Shifting around I got up into a sitting position. Whatever was on top of me slid off and was now in my lap.

I looked forward and saw that Elijah was driving the car. He seemed to have changed shirts. He was now wearing a white dress shirt and no tie. I then noticed that he was looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"You're awake. Sorry for making you wait so long. Do you need anything?" He said while shifting his eyes back to the road.

"No... no, I'm fine. May I ask where we are going?"

"To Mystic Falls."

I was confused. He was taking me home?

"You're taking me home?" I was leaning forward between the driver's seat and the front passenger seat.

"Not necessarily."

I waited a couple of seconds to see if he was going to say more. When he didn't I asked.

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