Chapter 1: Kidnapped

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I was walking with Elena where all the parked cars were for the masquerade ball. Elena was leaving Jeremy a message to pick us up from the Lockwoods. I sighed. The plan to kill Katherine failed. Horribly. Katherine linked herself with Elena so that whatever happened to her happened to Elena. Thankfully Bonnie was able to unlink, Katherine and Elena. But not before Damon shut Katherine into the tomb where no vampire could exit. I started to walk ahead of Elena mainly because I wanted to get out of this stupid dress. I just wanted to be in a comfy shirt and shorts. I then heard a struggle from behind me. I turned around only to see a masked man holding an unconscious Elena. I was about to scream for help when suddenly I felt a cloth being pressed against my nose and mouth. It smelled sickly sweet and before I could do anything I started to get tired.


A man was driving a sedan in the secluded countryside. In the passenger front seat was a mask. He stops and pulls over to the side where a black SUV was parked. The man gets out of the car and walks over to the SUV where another man rolls down the window. The man in the SUV was wearing a baseball cap and dark sunglasses.

"Where are they?" The man in the SUV says.

"In the trunk and back. I did exactly what you said. I was lucky since one of them was walking ahead of the other, made it easier to grab both."

"Good, put them in the back."

The man opens the SUV's trunk before going back towards his care. He opens the trunk of his card and pickups Elena and places her into the SUV making sure there was enough room for Alice. He then goes back to his car and opens the back door and takes out Alice. Like Elena, the man places Alice into the back of the SUV before closing the trunk and walking back towards the driver's side window.

"Thank you for your help." The man in the SUV says.

"Is there anything else?"

"One more thing. Come closer, please."

The man gets closer to the window.


The man gets closer still to the SUV until the man in the SUV grabs him and bites his neck, drinking his blood before throwing the now dead corpse to the ground. The man rolls up his window while wiping his mouth before driving away.

Sometime later the SUV parks in the driveway of an old house. The man carries Alice first into the house putting her on the chair in the main room. The man then leaves to grab Elena. He returns and puts Elena on an old couch. At this point, both Elena and Alice are starting to wake up.


"What do you want?"

I could hear Elena say. I was still a bit groggy from waking up.


"Please, I'm hurt."

I was shifting around trying to get my bearings. I had my right hand on my head while my left was clutching onto the armrest of the chair I was in. I was blinking my eyes trying to get rid of the blurriness of my eyes.

"I know. Just a taste." The male voice said.

My vision still wasn't clear but I could make out two large blurs, one was hanging over the other. Then I heard another voice.

"Trevor! Control yourself." It was a woman's voice.

I could now see things more clearly. On the couch was my sister who was starting to sit up. Near her were a man and a woman. I assume that the man was Trevor.

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