Live Stream Chat

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POV Midoriya

Here I am again, writing down the answer to the the last question on my homework. I look up to see the POV of the character reloading his gun. I grabbed my binder and opened putting the paper in it's section.

"What the hell?!" A yell grabbed my attention

"Why did you throw the grenade at me? I'm your teammate, Zero." The voice was sweet yet annoyed.

'Why The fuck where you in the corner?!" A glitched voice yelled back

"Because I was- screw it, I'm getting food." A bang on the table and then a girl screamed

'Where the hell did this ass-?' The voice was cut off.

Two people in the call started to laughing.

'Pinky? What are you talking about?' One asked laughing in between words.

The noise of the microphone moving and then a simple greeting to say Red Riot was back. You see Red Riot is a gamer YouTuber, he has 1 million subs. Yeah I know crazy, but it's not just him in the channel. His friends are in almost ever video.
I try to watch every live stream it's funny hearing them try to make Ground Zero not swear. Zero's the one who normally rage quits or says something's BS when it's not. Yeah he's that kind of guy.

I hear crunching of chips from the mic as I put my binder back in my bag.

'Are you eating chips on a stream Red?' Pinky asked with a laugh

"Yeah, I have to spectate you guys cause someone killed me with a grenade!" He yelled to the others who laughed all but one.

I heard another crunch, my fingers hovered over the keyboard.

Come on, do it...

I typed, read it over like ten times then hit 'post'. Knowing the chat was going way to fast to read, I knew no one would see it. Or so I thought...

Coughing, then laughing 'Red, you good?' Bolt asked

"Sorry, this guy... Deku typed in-"

'Woah, woah why the-'

"No, like that their name Deku. He just typed in chat 'yeah, that's right Red eat those feelings away...'" he laughed reading it aloud.


After a painfully long pause everyone else laughed or chuckled.

'Shit, give that guy a medal! For the user name and the comment!' Cello yelled

I smiled knowing that I made everyone laugh. I put my pencil in the jar next to my computer.

"Is Deku all your usernames for online?" Red Riot asked


I just thought laughing at my comment was it not ASKING ME MY- calm down. I typed saying 'yes, on Instagram it's DekuDraws.' Oh yeah I'm a writer and an artist. I normally post short stories and fan-art/OC art.

"So I'm guessing your an-"

'Dude, stop trying to get in this guys underage pants!' Zero yelled at Red

"Dude I'm not even- holy shit! This guys good, and Zero he's a year younger then me." he yelled I guessed he was on his phone looking at my profile.

'Yeah, K guys I have like one more round then I gotta go out with my rommie.' Pinky said I to her mic

'Red, we need new parters.' Bolt said clicking something on his side

'Red we need new fucking partners!' Zero yelled into his mic

"Yeah sorry 'bout that." Red said the sound of his phone hitting his desk

The door opened to my dorm I look over to see Todoroki. He throws his bag into his bed walking over to it. I mute my computer taking my headphones out as Todo started to talk

"You going out for dinner tonight with us?" He asked his head hitting his pillow

Your probably wondering what he means by 'us' well you see I met this girl Uraraka in high school. She's my best friend she made friends when we got to college and I became friends with Todoroki. I think the only reason he joined the 'Deku- squad' was because we were in his and my dorm every other day.

"Yeah, it's my turn to pay, right?" I ask (We take turns paying for dinner) as I plugged my headphones in

"No I believe it's Tsu's turn." Todoroki says closing his eyes

I put my headphones on I muting my computer. When I look at the screen the life is red.

"K guys that's all we hav-"

'Yeah that's all the time we have! Because FUCKING PINKY GOT A LIFE!!" Bolt yelled into his mic

'Yeah how dare you!?' Cello butted in

"Okay that all we have time for bye guys!" Red exclaimed

'Bye pussy's' Zero yelled last second and then the scream ended.

I laughed closing the tap, turning my computer off. And standing up walking to the dresser.

Hello! How are you today? Or night? Anyway this idea came from a one shot I read. I felt like a kirideku Fanfic could be made from it. Anyway not the best writer so tell me if I get anything wrong POLITELY. Also use They/Them or He/ Him pronouns... Please and thank you. Good bye Guys, Gals, and Non-Binary pals!

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