Just wanted to have fun

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Just wanted to have fun. Chapter will be posted this weekend.

Deku: Hi, I'm Deku.

Kirishima: That's it, you're cute. I wanna squish your face.

Deku: Awww~

Kirishima: With my thighs.

Deku: ...

Kirishima: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

(Best Friendship Ever Down Below)

Denki: Malk?

Uraraka: Milk.

Denki: Molk?

Uraraka: MILK.

Denki: ...Melk?

Uraraka: MILK! M I L K

Denki: Milk?

Uraraka: MALK- oh I see what you did there-

Shinsou: I'm home!

Denki: Welcome back! Do you want lunch or... do you want me?

Shinsou: I'll have lunch.

Denki: *Mumbles angrily*

Kirishima: *Gaming on a live stream* Who the fuck-?

Iida: *Looks up from book* Language.

Kirishima: Whom the fuck?

Iida: *Shakes head with a sigh*

Kirishima: Is that my shirt?

Deku: * Shirt going down to his knees*...No

Deku: * Drops mug breaking it* Fuck me!

Kirishima: Well if you insist...

Uraraka: What the hell?

Deku: *Rolls over in bed* You awake?

Kirishima *Rolls over too* heh... yep- *Kisses Deku's nose*

Denki: *Rolls over* are you awake?

Shinsou: *Violently flops over* Bitch, the fuck you want?

Deku: *Trying to put a nail in the wall* It won't fucking go in!

Kirishima: Just pound it into the wall!

Deku: I'm gonna pound you into the wall!

Kirishima: I know I'm the bottom in this relationship but now is not-

Kirishima: * live streaming* Are you a big spoon or a little spoon?

Bakugo: I'm a knife

Mina: Holy fuck-

(In woods at night)

Sero: It's dark out here...

Denki: Don't worry, I got this! *Stomps he's light up sketchers*

Sero:... So your the one who took my shoes!

Deku shot out of bed, hot and sweaty heavily breathing. He looked around he knew where he was. He just couldn't get him out of his head. He looked next to him and seeing a red blob. He shifted his body, started to poke Kirishima. He heard a groan knowing that he was close to being awake, Deku stopped. Kiri groaned once more before speaking

"Babe? What's up-? Baby, What's wrong?" he asked sitting up a little using his arm to prop him up. Deku was sweaty and had tears staining his cheeks.

"I had a nightmare..." he said in between hiccups looking to the side

"About him..."

Kirishima looked up it's been years seance he last saw him, as far as Kirishima knew. But he knew damn well what happened to him in that two year relationship. He also knew Deku couldn't forget what he said, done, to him. It took maybe six months till Deku finally agreed to cuddle, kiss, hold hands, and almost a year and a half to sleep in the same bed.

Kirishima looked at Deku, he climbed over him. Walking to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Opening the bag full of cookies taking three. When he walked back into the bedroom he saw Deku crying harder the before thinking Kirishima had left the house. When he felt Kirishima nudge him to move over and he did. Kirishima put the bottle of water of the bedside table, and took Deku's glasses into his hand. He faced Deku using his thumb to wipe a few tears, placing Deku's glasses lightly on his face. He smiled and showed Deku the cookies he brought for him. With a smile Deku took a cookie feeling Kirishima's eyes on him.

"Finish eating and have a sip of water. K, baby?" Kirishima smiled taking a bite from his own cookie. Deku nodded finishing the last bite. Kirishima grabbed the water bottle and handed it to him.

When Deku was done he took his glasses off and reached over Kirishima putting them on the bedside table. Before he could retreat Kirishima put his hand on the back of Deku's neck, pulling him into a kiss. As they pulled away Deku smiled laying back down, Kirishima laid down next to him reaching his arms around Deku's small body.

"Thank you." Deku whispered happily excepting the warmth.

"I love you..." Kirishima whispered to an already asleep Deku

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