Party Drink

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POV Kirishima

Deku never stopped talking about how he loved/hated digital art. According to him it was easy to line art or color, but annoying at the same time.

"Hey loser, you ready?" Bakugo ran into my dorm yelling for everyone to hear. I frowned looking over at him, than I remembered... I was being dragged to a party. I sighed and looked back at my computer

"Sorry Deku, I have to go. Talk to you later?" I asked moving my mouse

"Yeah, bye Red." and with that he ended the call. I turned to Bakugo with a smile

"You ready to go?" He asked

"Yup!" he looked up and down then into my eyes

"You'r not going to get any guys with that on." he laughed walking to my closet

I laughed turning in my chair to watch him walk. He opened it aggressively looking around before pushing shirts to the side.

After what seemed to be years he pulled a red shirt out with a smile.

"Here." He said throwing it to me, I looked down at it. It was a red shirt with a  PAC-Man made out of different game controllers in black. I smiled and looked up to him to get hit with pants. I grabbed then looked down seeing the pants was were ripped jeans.

"Now, get dressed. We don't have all day." He said as he walked to the door closing it

"Yeah, yeah."

POV Midoriya

"Nope, nope." I said shacking my head

"Come on, Izuku." Ochako smiled jumping up and down holding the shirt she wanted me to wear. Tsu just sat down on my bed braiding her own hair, while Todoroki was changing in the restroom.

"Ochako, you're already kidnapping him to a party he doesn't want to go to." Tsu stated looking over hands tightly holding her hair in place

"Well it's for his own good. He never gets out of this-" she stopped looking around my dorm

"Jail cell." she exclaimed to Tsu, she put the shirt down on my bed. she walked to my drawer taking out another shirt.

"And could you change that song." She snapped walking over to me once again. I sighed clicking a new video to listen too.

"Thank you." she breathed out taking a set on my bed

"I'm sorry. I just-" she took a deep breath looking up

"I just really want you to go. I want to to meet anyone, someone you could..." she stopped looking down. I knew what she wanted, she wanted me to meet someone to be my partner. I've always  been that weird kid at school no one wanted to date. And when I did date someone, they hurt me... a lot. I don't like talking about him... I could feel the tension in the air, I frowned then quickly smiled standing up taking the first shirt Ochako showed me.

"Alright, I'll go." I said taking my shirt off throwing in the clothing bin.

"Ochako, did you bring my ribbon?" I heard Tsu ask as I put my arms throw the holes

"Thanks." Tsu said as I turned around buttoning the last button, Ochako looked she smiled then walked over to me.

"Don't look like a second Iida-Kun." She laughed unbuttoning the top three buttons, I looked down seeing scars from my past. I guess Ochako could tell I didn't feel confident showing them, 'cause she pat my chest with a smile

"Don't worry, you look hot." she exclaimed I heard Tsu laugh

"Yeah, she's right." I looked over with a smile

"You two look great too." I smiled Ochako was wearing a pick crop top and a black skirt. Tsu had a black dress on her hair in a neon green ribbon.

"Are we ready to go?" we look over to see Todoroki walking out of the restroom. He had a white shirt on with light wash jeans.

"Yeah, But  you guys aren't going to leave me alone right?" I asked

"You can't get rid of me." Ochako smiled trying to put her arm on my shoulder

Time Skip

These mother fuckers... they just left me alone at a party. I don't even know where anyone is. 'You can't get rid of me.' my ass, I'm here leaning on the wall with a red solo cup. I've already had to push three drunk girls off me. Three!  I look around again, yup still surrounded by drunk college students... That's it I'm going home.

I got to my feet and pushed in between people, looking for the front door. As I saw the front door I looked behind me to see if I could find Todoroki, Tsu, and/or Ochako. I then bumped into someone, dropping my cup onto myself. I looked up to see a boy with red hair? I couldn't tell from the dark lights. He had his eyes closed so I could see he had a scar over his right eye.

"Watch where your going ass-." He stopped when he looked down at me

"Watch where your going your tall for a reason." I snapped back pointing at his chest 

"Sorry, yeah that was my fault. Here let me help." he said taking my hand dragging me to the restroom. He closed the door and from the much better lighting I could his hair was in fact a bright red. He's hair looked like a rose color it was spiked up. You know with the better light he was really fucking ho-

"Take your shirt off." he demanded


POV Kirishima

Fuck me! Why did I say it like that? Why? I just bumped into a really cute guy and here I am telling him to strip.

"Here ya go." I look over to see him holding his shirt out for me to take. He was looking to the side at the floor. I could see the blush creeping up his cheeks. I then felt the heat creeping up my cheeks. I swallowed then took it from him

"Thanks." I said taking the towel hanging next to the sink off the hook. Turning the warm water on and placing the towel under it.

"I really am sorry 'bout that." I said trying to wash the punch? He was drinking punch at a college party... good thing I know he's not drunk.

"And you should be. I wasn't thinking I'd be striping for some random hot gu-" he stopped I smiled to myself

"Your boyfriend drag ya here?" I asked trying to be slick, its not every day you get someone from the sex your attracted to hit on, in their own way.

"No, my three best friends dragged me." He said with a laugh

"Why'd they drag you here?"

"Curiosity killed the cat." I could feel his smile when he said that

"Alright but sedation brought it back. Now, why'd they drag ya here?" I asked once again turning to look at him

"I don't know. I guess they want me to meet a possible partner?" He almost asked I stopped for second... he was looking for a boyfriend?

...Hi sorry I didn't upload last weekend and that I'm late posting. I had friends sleep over and I completely forgot to post. Well nothing else to say have a great day/night Guys, Gals, and Non-binary pals.

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