"The Names Red Riot."

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POV Kirishima

I found him, I found Deku. It's weird knowing what he looks like now, I no longer need imagine a hot guy, I now knew what kind of hot we were talking about. Midoriya Izuku, even his name is hot. I felt Ochako poke my shoulder, I looked over at her, she smiled.

"Izuku is coming back tomorrow!" She laughed as Denki walked back into the room from his bathroom. He smile before sitting the floor across from us.

"She's been counting down the day." He laughed opening his water. He took a sip as Ochako took her phone out texting someone. Denki smirked, before placing his water on the floor and taking the bottle from Ochako's hand.

"Hey!" She yelled as she saw Denki scroll through the messages. I laughed sliding in front of Ochako keeping her behind me.

"Who is it?" I laughed when he looked up to Ochako.


"No fucking way." I yelled taking the phone from him. Reading the messages seeing a different side of Bakugo, he seemed nicer and happy. I felt Ochako push me forward

"Give me my phone!" She yelled as I stood up grabbing Denki taking up to the bathroom. I laughed when I saw Denki lock the door behind him.

"You ass!" She yelled pulling at the door handle, I looked down the her phone seeing a new message showing up.

"Wanna get dinner tomorrow?" I laughed again looking at the door.

"He asked you out." I told Ochako I heard her stop banging at the door.

"He what?" She asked calmly in shock, Denki smiled looking down at the phone.

"He asked you to dinner!" His smile widened as he ran to the door opening it. He ran out hugging Ochako I saw her feet leave the floor as she looked up to the ceiling.

"Holy shit!" She laughed her arms wrapping around his head. I watched as her smile faded as she looked down at Denki.

"I can't go." She mumbled as Denki looked up, he shook his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked walking over to them.

"I have to see Izuku tomorrow." She said Denki let her down from their hug. I frowned walking over to her hugging her myself. As I hugged her I looked at the phone in my hand and typed

"Yes, I'd love too! What time?"

"I already said yes." She pushed me away from her taking the phone from my hand.

"What the hell?" She yelled, Denki laughed to the point he was on the floor.

I waited in the corner of the room seeing Tsu walk up to me with a smile. She was holding two cups both red.

"Thanks." I mumbled watching her lean on the same wall as me. She looked into her cup playing with the tea bag string. I knew she was gonna say something I just didn't know what.

"When did you guys met?" She asked looking forward, I looked at her confused.


"You knew him before we met, right?" She asked turning to look at me. I felt my palms start sweating as I looked into the cup.

"Yeah, we met on the internet." I mumbled, she looked forward playing with the teabag again. Tsu was calm, she seemed to have a billion things on her mind yet she kept her cool.

"Kirishima, I ask for your assistants." I looked seeing Iida sitting the the rugged floor. I placed the cup onto the desk next to me and walked over.

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