Away From Keyboard

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POV Kirishima

After a minute of me waited Deku finally came back from his talk with his friend. I didn't say anything at first wanted him to speak before me

"Yeah sorry 'bout that." He said as a squeak of a chair moved in the back

"No, it's fine. So is your friend still there?" I asked then regretted it as they could have heard it, and they did

"Yup, I'm still here." She said in a cheerful voice

"Hello, I'm as you could guess Red." I said with a smiled even thought they couldn't see me

"Hi, I don't really have a 'secret identity' but call me Uravity." I nodded my head looking at new games me and the 'squad' could play

"So, Deku I don't really know how to start this whole thing." I laughed looking at the little call tab seeing how long we've been in the call

"I don't either but I think I have an Idea for ya." He said (my dog is laying on me and I can't get comfortable!) I heard a beep telling me he changed something on his side. I clicked the tab going back to the actual call. Seeing his side and his screen, he was moving things around. Making a new Document for the drawing and opening google on the side.

"How the hell do you use that thing?" Uravity asked I don't what she was talking about (He got off of me! I'm now lonely, come back!)

"I've told you, this thing is plugged into my laptop. So when I draw on this it shows up on this." He said as thick scribble was on the once blank white file

"Anyway, Sorry 'bout her. But what I was thinking was, you know your Avatar in the group choose you own adventure game?" He asked going onto YouTube

"You mean Fantasy Group Battle? Hell yeah I do, we love that game." I said referring to my other gaming friend

"Great so I'm going to draw you avatar- it's half dragon right?" He asked going into my channel looking for the video of when we played the game

"Yup, half fire dragon last time I checked." I smiled as he muted the video scrolling through

"Alright, so I'm gonna have him chilling in a- something, drinking-. What's red?" He asked opening a new tab before stopping

" Mountain Dew Red!" Uravity and him said in full unison I was confused at first but I didn't question it

"Yes, bitch." He said as I heard a slap of a night five, he closed the tab started his sketch

Time skip (brought to you by Tokoyami's fucking neck)

I looked at clock seeing It was almost time to start my live Stream, I had an hour

"Deku, you should get sleep. Remember last night?" Uravity asked from his side

"I'll be fine. I just need coffee."

"No, you are not having coffee at eight fucking P.M. especially after a fucking hang over."

"I'll be fine Oc- Uravity."

"Nope, go change alright? Bye Red! If I find out you stayed up-"

"I'ma kill you." I heard his door shut he sighed

"Sorry 'bout her." He said sketching once again

"It's fine but you should sleep. Since you also had a hangover you must feel awful. I have to stream anyway-"

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