F*ck Buddy

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I stopped my cleats hitting the grass ripping up a few pieces. I smiled taking my helmet off. Bakugo beat me to the bench taking my water and throwing it to me. I grabbed it with my left hand

"Thanks." I took the top off taking a sip

"It's noth-."

"Bakugo!"  A girl yelled

We looked to the bleachers I saw Uraraka her brown locks in a ponytail. She wore a light pink halter top with light wash jean shorts. She was claiming over the rows of sets. When she got to the grass she ran over to us.

"Hey Uraraka." I smiled back at her

"Kirishima? You where great out there." She smiled back

"It was nothing. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with Shinsou." She said pointing back to the bleachers

There say a boy with unkept purple hair, he seemed to be that college student that only lived off coffee. He was wearing all black despite the heat. He was holding a book reading not watching the practice. I looked back down at Uraraka.

"Oh wait, you didn't meet him at dinner the other night!" She exclaimed it finger in the air

"Dinner?" I look next to me to see an annoyed Bakugo

"Yeah, my roommate took me out to dinner with his friends I met Uraraka there." I explained to him

"Your roommate." He asked trying to hide his anger

"Yeah, Iida you met him before I think." I said thinking back to if they did ever met

"Anyway Kiri- can I call you that?" She asked stopping herself from continuing her sentence

"Yeah, I don't mind."

"Cool, So I was wondering if you wanted Midoriya's number?"

I thought for moment, who the hell was Midoriya?

"You know my friend who's very available." She smiled

Oh... that Midoriya I almost forgot about him. I mean it can't be bad if I never met the guy. You know for forgetting he's a thing.

"Yeah, sure does he know?"

"Yeah, I told him about you. He said he'd give you a shot." Uraraka smiled

I honestly don't know if I like this guy. Like he sounds nice but at the same time from what Uraraka just said... he sounds like a fuck boy.

"Great let me see your phone." She said hands out

"Do want my number too? Just Incase..." she smiled as I took my phone out

"Yeah, I'll ask Tsu and Todoroki for theirs later." I smiled giving her my phone

"Great. There's Midoriya's number and..." she paused typing

"Mine. Anyway talk to you later." She waves showing her shining whites

"Alright, thanks Uraraka!" I smiled back

"Talk to you later!" She yelled running back up the bleachers to Shinsou? That was his name right?

I looked back at Bakugo he was staring down to the ground.

"Let's go back to practice." I smiled patting his back

"Sure..." He said in a low voice walking off

Time skip

"Bye Kirishima." Satou waved as I walked out of the locker room

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