Past Scars

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POV Kirishima

He wants a partner? No his friends want him to have a partner.

"Sorry, I know your probably very uncomfortable." he said I looked up

"Why wound I be?" I asked he shook he's head as he looked up

"You knowing being in a room with a probably drunk homosexual." I laughed looking back down at my work

"Two probably drunk homosexuals." I corrected him


"Gay? Yup, just like you." I smiled to him

"I'm bisexual just so you know." He laughed, I chuckled slowing my cleaning job wanting to talk to him more.

"Alright, Alright. You have many fish in the sea, don't ya?" I asked with a smile

"No, I don't really." He said scratching his neck 

"What?" I asked stopping again

"I don't really trust a lot of people? I guess that's a way to put it." he said I looked up to see he didn't want to talk about it

"Yeah, a way to put it." I repeated frowning, I looked up and smiled

"But hey, there's a good way to look at it."he looked up from the floor his face asking me what I meant

"If someone tries really hard and I mean really hard to be with you. Then you know they ain't giving up anytime soon. And they really want to be in your life." the small smile on he's face told me I said the right thing. I looked down scrubbing harder on the punch.

"Where'd ya find the punch?" I asked trying as hard as I could not really helping

"I found the fridge." We laughed, I then remembered the kitchen is we're most couples went to make out.

"Got throw the horny adults?" I smiled looking up

"Barely!" he laughed I felt my lips formed a small smirk. I looked at his smile it was really pretty? I guess you could say that. I then found myself observing his body. He was pretty short, but he did have like a six pack. You could see his arm muscles, he must play a sport! No one can be this fit, and not play a sport to help keep them in shape. But what else made me think he had to be playing a sport, he had like scars everywhere! I only got this pussy ass scar on my eye. It's so lame, but this guy had scars on his stomach, chest, upper arms, and...

Right above his wrists. He must have seen me looking cause he than covered his right wrist, his left facing down for me not to see.

"Sorry..." I apologize looking back at my work. I could see him shake his head

"No, no it's fine. I always have someone notice by accident..." he said looking away from me. His head shot to look at me

"Don't worry I stopped!" I didn't look up yet

"Trust me, they're all just old scars." I looked up and smiled at him

"Don't worry, I could tell." He looked at me confused

"I knew someone who did it, I'm now good at spotting it and knowing there old scars." I looked down stopping with a sigh thinking about her...

"She was the person my friends loved to kid around with. She introduced me to her music, I listen to it every now and again. She loved making fun of another one of my friends. You should have seen it, they were like an old married couple." I smiled looking up at him

"She sounds great. Did she go to another school? Your talking about her in past tense." He said not breaking eye contact

"She couldn't go on any longer. She killed herself, in our senior year of high school." I looked away not wanting to see his reaction

"I'm sorry, she sounded like a great friend." I looked up and smiled at him

"She was." I looked down at his shirt still see the punch stain, I sighed and looked up

"I can't get it out." I said handing him the shirt he looked disappointed but took it. He stood up from the closed toilet. He started to put his shirt on when a bang on the door grabbed our attention. It opened to reveal Bakugo with a drink in hand. He looked up from the ground to see me with a guy... with his shirt unbuttoned! He must think... shit!

"Hey Bakubro." I waved standing in front of the man I was talking to. Bakugo smiled

"Sorry, but I think the bedroom would be much more comfortable." He winked leaning on the door frame

"I should go back to my friends." The boy behind me said pushing past me. As he walked by Bakugo they locked eyes, the boy didn't say anything and walked out of the room.

"He seemed familiar." Bakugo mumbled  I put my hand in his shoulder

"Yup, well gotta get something to drink." I smiled slipping past him

I heard the slam of the door behind me. I sighed walking away. I never liked party's, especially ones with alcohol. It wasn't fun seeing people around me gaining confidence. Or just doing stupid shit and not caring about it in the morning. I walked over to the table full of red solo cups, some empty other full to the brim. I grabbed a full one chugging it. I don't know why I even care at this point. No one will remember they're all drunk out of their minds. If I did something stupid... no one would know or remember. I grabbed another solo cup, and chugged it down.

I'm so fucking stupid.

POV Midoriya

I hate this. I wanna go home and study, draw. Anything but being here with all these drunk people! I never liked being in big crowds, everyone was on top of each other. I don't like having people I don't really trust touching me. As I walked the halls I found Todoroki I ran up to him pushing people aside

"Todo! Please tell me your sober." I begged holding my hands together looking up at him

"Totally my dude!" He's as drunk as captain Jake sparrow... damn it!

"Have you seen Tsu and Ochako?" I asked thinking that if I find everyone I could call an Uber for us.

"Yeah, Tsu's out by the pool." He slurred pointing at the back door...

there was no pool.

I sighed in frustration looking around. I grabbed a red cup hopping it was water. I think it was... right?

Hi! What's up my dudes? At first I was going to post a 900 word chapter today cause school fucked me gently with a chainsaw this week. So I had I really big wall named 🛑WRITERS BLOCK!🛑 I know right fun but here ya go. Hope ya had a good night/day Guys, Gals, and Non-binary Pals!
P.S I didn't edit so yeah

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