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The next morning we hit the road with poptarts, hot chocolate, and music blasting from my speakers. The morning air is chilly, and we're both layered with jackets and blankets.

Kevin asks where we're going and I text him my answer with one hand. I know I really shouldn't drive and text, but I'm mute. People can get over it.

"A park?" he asks, looking up from his phone. I nod. "But..." he starts to say. I scowl at him. Doesn't he know it's easier to text?

Kevin seems to understand. Thankfully. He texts me the rest of his question. 'Why a park?'

I swallow back the bitter memories that come with the mention of the park we're heading for; the park. The park where so much happened...

'I just need to visit. It's kind of a personal test. We'll just have to see what happens.'

After hitting send, I stop at the red light and reach over to turn up the music. Today, his iPod is on shuffle. I remember looking through his music last night and being amazed at the amount and variety of all the songs he had. There're literally several songs for every single genre of music out there. Right now, Adele is playing and I can't help but smile. Her voice gives me goosebumps. She's always been one of my favorites. But it's kind of surprising that songs of hers are on Kevin's iPod.

Then again, you wouldn't think a lot of the songs that are on his iPod would be on there.

I love it.

The light turns green and my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I wait until I'm able to, and then reach for it. But I freeze when my phone vibrates again. Two texts?

When I look over at Kevin, I see that he's just as confused as I am. If Kevin didn't text me twice... who else did?

With a slightly trembling hand, I take my phone out of my pocket.

2 texts. One from Kevin. And one from... my mom.

My heart skips a beat, and then blood starts pounding in my ears. Who does she think she is, texting me for the first time, ever? Now she's concerned? Only when I actually get out of the house? Not when she came home and found me crying my eyes out or throwing things or passed out on the couch? Now she cares?

Shaking with sudden fury, I open the text.

'Where the hell r u Angelica??'

I jerk my steering wheel to the side, slam on my brakes, and send a text to Kevin that says, 'Drive' before flinging off my seat belt and throwing open my car door.

He's baffled, but (thankfully) he knows better than to ask questions. I buckle my seat belt and start grinding my teeth when Kevin pulls back onto the highway.

He drives, I seethe.

She can take the time to send me a text, but she can't even bother to spell out the words 'are' and 'you'? Seriously? She can't even spell those two words, and yet she can spell out my full name? And does she really expect me to answer? I'm a Senior, or, at least I was. I have the right to leave. Who cares about finishing high school? Who cares about trying to find a guy and settling down? No one wants a mute. And I've got enough money saved up to live off of until I can find a source of income. I, am a legal adult.

I know I'm acting like a five-year-old throwing a hissy-fit, but I can't help it. It's like something's cracked inside of me, and all of a sudden I can't stop my emotions from getting the best of me. The injustice of it all makes the blood pound even harder in my ears.

She doesn't care. I'm sure of it. The only reason she would want me back is for the fact that my dad might contact me. And she wants money from him. That's it. I'm nothing beside a possible contact to the person she wants to use. I'm surprised she even has my phone number. After all, I pay my own phone bill.

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