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*Author's Note*

*Chapter Thirteen... lucky, or unlucky? You decide...


Kevin's P.O.V.

I've been pacing for hours, out here in the dark woods. Alone. Without her. I slap myself (mentally) again. How stupid am I? How could I just leave her like that? I was supposed to be her protector, her friend, the one she could rely on... But as soon as I read that text, I couldn't think straight. I got so mad... and I just left. Now I realize how stupid that was. Now, she probably thinks I'm actually gone, and that I'm never coming back. I feel horrible.

I lean against a tree trunk and put my head in my hands. When I close my eyes, I expect to see darkness. But instead, I see her face. My heart twinges. She's my best friend, the first person I've ever been able to be myself around. And I'd do anything for her.

That's why I finally pull out my cell phone and start typing. I can only hope that she bothers to read my text.

After I press send, I start pacing again. Ten minutes pass, and I start staring at my phone. I'm about to start panicking when I hear something.


Leaves crunch; a twig pops. I crouch behind a tree and wait, heart racing. The footsteps are steadily getting closer. My breath is caught in my throat and my mind is racing. Who would be out in these woods, so late at night? Well... besides me, of course.

After a few more seconds, I find out. Two men push their way out from behind a tall bush. I have to squint to make out their faces in the dim light.

The first man is muscled. His unshaven face is morphed into what looks like a permanent scowl. He might have been scary-looking... if he wasn't 4 foot 8.

After him comes a tall, lean guy who looks like he could be snapped in half with anyone's bare hands. His eyes are downcast, and something limp is hung over his shoulder. I lean forward to see what it is, and almost fall on my face.

The chocolate-brown hair, the bright red hoodie she wore this morning... It's Angie.

Shock almost takes over, but I force myself to do the rational thing. I quietly pull my phone out of my back pocket and get ready to take a picture. But by the time I'm ready, the men are almost out of sight. So I hold my breath and throw a rock far to my left. They both startle and spin around, and I snap as many pictures as I can. Then, after a few minutes of them looking around and me trying not to breathe too loud, they walk away.

Now what?

I can either run to the police, show them the pictures, and explain everything, or go after Ang myself and risk... a lot. I hadn't realized before just how serious this is. ...I'm risking my life if I decide to go after them. But if I go to the police, I'm still risking Angie's safety. Plus, who knows how long they'll take to actually go looking for her? It must be better to actually go after her myself... But I don't do it dumbly.

I call 911 and whisper my location to the operator. I tell her she'll find a phone with pictures of the men trying to kidnap my best friend. When the operator tries to tell me to stay put, I hang up. Smiling, I leave my phone on the ground by the tallest tree I can find and start tip-toeing in the direction those men took Angie.

What could possibly go wrong?

Angie's P.O.V.

It feels like I'm swimming. It's been dark for a while, and I can sense it, but I'm not sure how long I've been this way. I struggle to remember, but my head hurts. Slowly, it starts getting lighter, and my thoughts start to get clearer... and I remember.

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