Chapter Seven: I'm Okay

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When Kara woke up after surgery, the first thing she felt was someone's hand on hers. She slowly opened her eyes, not really knowing where she was. She looked to her left to see Alex, peacefully sleeping next to her on the bed and Kara smiled at the protective arm around her waist, kissing her sister's forehead softly. Alex and her were really close so it wasn't weird at all for them to be this close on the bed.

Kara then turned to her right to see who it was that was holding her hand. It was Lena, sleeping with her head laying once again beside their hands only this time, Kara could see it. She gently brought Lena's hand to her lips, kissing it softly in attempt of waking her up without scaring her.

As Lena felt her arm slowly moving without her having anything to do with it, she opened her eyes and lifted her head up wondering why Alex would remove her hand from the top of Kara's. As she looked at her friend's sister, she noticed that she was still sleeping and asked herself how the hell did her arm just move.

"Lena?" Kara asked, her voice trembling a little probably because she hadn't talk for the last four days.

"Kara?" Lena whispered, looking up to be met with the gorgeous ocean blue eyes Lena adored so much. "You're awake love ?" Lena asked, making Kara blush at the nickname, even in her current state.

"Yes Lee I'm awake now" Kara answered with her charming voice back.

"I thought you were going to die Kara" Lena said, tears appearing in her eyes and falling from them not even a second later.

"It's alright Lena, I'm okay, I'm alive" Kara told Lena, putting some hair behind her ear and gently wipping the tears away from Lena's face with her thumb.

They were still looking at each other when Alex suddenly woke up, feeling Kara move a little under the arm that was still over the kryptonian's waist. Alex looked up to see Kara and Lena looking at each other. She didn't even notice all that was going on between them, too happy to see her sister awake.

"KARA" Alex shouted before hugging Kara as thight as she could, feeling the kryptonian's strong arms wrap around her waist. Alex put her head in Kara's neck feeling really relieved that her sister was not in a coma anymore.

"Alright I'll give you guys a moment" Lena said as she was walking out of the room.

As Lena got out of the room to let the two sisters talk, Alex got up from Kara's bed. The super went to do the same before she was stopped by the older Danvers.

"Kara there is absolutely no way that you are getting out of that bed right now. You just got out of surgery for God's sake" Alex said, trying her best to cover the worry in her voice and failing miserably.

"Alex I'm fine, you have to believe me" Kara told her, noticing Alex's voice.

"No Kara you're not ! Now you're going to stay in that bed until i tell you it's okay for you to leave and you are not going to argue with me is that clear ?!" Alex said a little harsher than she intended but she couldn't stop herself.

She had been so worried about Kara. When the kryptonian first came into Alex's life, the older Danvers hated her. She used to be the center of attention and all of a sudden, this alien was all everyone would talk about, especially her parents. How sad it was that Kara had lost her home and family, how hard it must be for her to go to school and to not to show her powers to the world and it made Alex so, so angry and jealous. Eventually, she started to accept the fact that Kara was here to stay and got a little closer to her, talking to her every day and night and sneeking out when her parents were sleeping. Alex truly loved Kara and she didn't know what she would do if she was to lose her. She wouldn't survive it now that's for sure. And now that Kara was risking her life everyday as Supergirl, it had become harder and harder for Alex to be able to protect her little sister. That's why she was talking to Kara that way. Because she couldn't bear to lose her, ever.

"Alex.." Kara said, making place on her side and giving Alex some space to come lay down beside her. Tears were now coming down Alex's eyes as she thought of her life if Kara was ever to die. "Alex you need to talk to me" Kara insister, wrapping her arms around her sister that was now laying down beside her, once again.

"It's just that i love you so so much Kara and i can't ever lose you. If you die, i die. I can't live without my little sister" Alex said with tears now falling on Kara's back.

"But I'm not dead Alex, I'm here and you don't have to worry about me, I'm fine"

"You know I'll always worry about you. I've worried for you ever since we got so close not even a month after you got to earth"

"I know, i know but don't worry too much okay? I would never leave you and all our friends okay ?"

"Yeah i know ... talking about 'friends', how's it going with Lena ?" Alex asked jokingly. getting back out from the bed after giving Kara a kiss on her forehead as a way of saying thank you.

"Why ? It's going great with Lena she's my best friend and — WAIT WHAT I HAVE TO TALK TO HER RIGHT NOW" Kara said about to get out of bed before catching Alex's look that meant 'if you get out of this bed i'll beat you up' and quickly laying back down.

"Why what happened?" Alex asked her sister.

"ShemayhavefoundoutthatimsupergirlwheniwasgettingbeatupbyLex" Kara said with superspeed.

"You're lucky i learned to understand your superspeed language as we grew up. And yeah i know, she told me about it. You should talk to her"

"What I'm i supposed to say ? That I've been lying to her for three years ? She won't talk to me ever again!"

"Look Kara, i honestly don't think that she's mad, just hurt, like very hurt because you're her best friend and she loves you and trusted you like she never trusted anyone before. But i know she'll forgive you. Now I'll go get her so you guys can talk and you can't get out of it since you literally are not allowed to leave your bed" Alex said before quickly running out to go get Lena.

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