Chapter 4:Rough Start

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So last time Kenneth helped Breakdown repair some of the Decepticon vehicles, although Starscream mentioned that he would have to help repair the jets next. Who might Kenneth meet this time around.

Kenneth once again opened his eyes to his room at the Decepticon base. Kenneth once again failed to get any sleep thanks to his insomnia. Kenneth simply shrugged before pulling himself out of bed and began to get himself ready for the day ahead. Kenneth grabbed his goggles and hat off of the small desk that was located in his room. Kenneth gave himself a quick look over in the small mirror as the bags under his eyes were definitely becoming more noticeable. "Hopefully none of the girls know what bags under the eyes means." Kenneth thought to himself before hearing a knock at the door, which was Starscream.

"Good morning Ken! Are you ready for today?" Starscream asked as Kenneth opened the door to his room. "Yeah I'm ready Starscream, just lead the way." Kenneth said as he followed behind to Air Team Leader like he had done the previous day. "So how many jets need fixing?" Kenneth asked Starscream as they continued to make their way through the halls of the Decepticon Base. "Three in total, Mine, Dreadwing's and Skyquake's. You'll probably get to meet them once we arrive at the hangar." Starscream said as she stopped in front of another large door.

               The two entered to see a hangar with all sorts of flying vehicles, but parked in the middle was of course the three aforementioned jets. One was primarily black and red, Kenneth guessed that must be Starscream's. "Starscream is this really the human that's supposed to help Breakdown fix our jets? This scrawny little welp looks like he'll do more harm then good!" An annoyed female voice said as Starscream and Kenneth turned to see a girl in a blue flight uniform glaring at Kenneth.

 "Starscream is this really the human that's supposed to help Breakdown fix our jets? This scrawny little welp looks like he'll do more harm then good!" An annoyed female voice said as Starscream and Kenneth turned to see a girl in a blue flight u...

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             "Dreadwing, that's now fair! Kenneth did perfectly when helping Breakdown yesterday." Starscream argues as she tried to defend Kenneth as best as she could. "Starscream, you know better then anyone that I don't like people messing with my jet." Dreadwing said as she continued to glare at Kenneth. "M-Miss Dreadwing, I assure you that I have plenty of experience with jets. I promise nothing bad will happen." Kenneth said as he tried to diffuse the situation as best as he could. Dreadwing once again turned her attention towards Ken.

"Did I ask for your opinion welp?!" Dreadwing barked as Kenneth slowly backed up. "Would you unknot your panties already Dreadwing? The twig has already got my seal of approval!" Breakdown said with a laugh as she finally joined the group. Dreadwing blushes slightly and began incoherently growling insults at Breakdown. "I agree with Breakdown and Starscream sis! Let's give the little baby bird a chance!" A girl who looked almost exactly like Dreadwing, except for the colors of her hair and outfit joined them.

"I was wondering where you were Skyquake. We'll get to work pretty soon." Breakdown said as she smiled at the other Decepticon. "Baby bird?" Kenneth said questioningly as he gave Skyquake a confused look. "Your small and frail, like a baby bird." Skyquake said with a giggle as Kenneth the same dangerous look in her eye that her sister has. "Okay so she talks down to people in a friendlier way." Kenneth thought to himself as Starscream left the hangar. Kenneth then found himself being picked up by the front of his shirt as Dreadwing glared at him with dangerous eyes.

"Screw this up welp, and I gut you!" Dreadwing said before dropping Kenneth and leaving the hangar. "See you later baby bird!" Skyquake said before following her sister out of the hangar. "They seem pleasant." Kenneth said sarcastically, which caused Breakdown to laugh. "Honestly I'm surprised! They seem to really like you twig!" Breakdown said as Kenneth gave her a confused look. "They like me? What would they be like if they hated me?" Kenneth asked as Breakdown once again couldn't hold in her laughs. "Let's just say Dreadwing would have done more then threaten you just now if she hated you." Breakdown explained as Kenneth sighed in frustration.

               Breakdown and Kenneth were currently working on the green and red jet, which was most likely Skyquake's. Kenneth was currently making adjustments to the thrusters, while Breakdown made sure the wings were in top shape. "You almost done back there twig?" Breakdown called over to Kenneth as he poked his head out to look at her. "Yeah, just putting the finishing touches on right now!" Kenneth called back as Breakdown smiled at him. "Alright! After your finished, we're moving onto Dreadwing's." Breakdown said as Kenneth looked over at the blue and white jet before letting a small sigh escape his lips.

               Megatron sat on her throne as she looked through the screen that displayed Kenneth working with Breakdown in the hangar. "What do you think of the human Soundwave?" Megatron asked her right hand as the masked girl turned to look at her leader. "He does what he's told Lady Megatron, what more does he need to be capable of?" Soundwave asked her leader let out laugh. "Always serious Soundwave. I think our little slave could be rather fun to toy with. Plus he's respectful towards everyone on the base." Megatron said as she began to think about something.

               "Lady Megatron, what's on your mind?" Soundwave asked as she tilted her head to the side. "I was just thinking about letting our dear little slave walk freely around the base. He's never once attempted to escape from us." Megatron said as Soundwave was actually surprised at what she just said. "Lady Megatron are you sure about this? What if giving the human that freedom leads to disaster?" Soundwave said as Megatron simply laughed in response. "If that's the case, why don't you have him assist you all day tomorrow? That way you can gauge the risk." Megatron suggested as Soundwave looked down at her feet. "As you command Lady Megatron." Soundwave said simply before both of them went silent.

              It was now getting dark out, but Kenneth and Breakdown finally finished working on the jets. Dreadwing was currently looking her jet over before walking right up to Kenneth. "You expect me to accept this work welp?" Dreadwing said in a low tone as she glared at Kenneth. "Your jet is in the best condition it can be in Miss Dreadwing, if you take issue with that, maybe you should fix it yourself." Kenneth fires back as Breakdown snorted at his words. Kenneth knew that this could get him killed, but he would never allow someone to bad mouth his work and get away with it.

                 Dreadwing's glare remained on her face, but the faintest of smiles appeared as well. "Looks like your not completely useless welp. Alright you did pretty good. Don't think this means you can start slacking however." Dreadwing said as her frown appeared once again. "Aw, the baby bird worked so hard to please us! How precious!" Skyquake added as she once again teased Kenneth. "Thank you for doing this Ken, I should probably get you back to your room." Starscream said as she tried to lead Kenneth out of the hangar. However Skyquake blocked their path as she looked at Kenneth with a smile.

"Come on Starscream, you always get to walk the baby bird back! Let me have a turn!" Skyquake said as she grabbed Kenneth by the arm before dragging him out of the hangar. "Thank you for accompanying me Miss Skyquake." Kenneth said as Skyquake let out a giggle at his words. "How adorable, does having a pretty girl pay attention to you make you happy baby bird? Did human girls never give you any attention?" Skyquake said in her normal teasing tone as she waited for Kenneth to get flustered. "Girls in general ignore that I exist. I'm just appreciative that you would take time out of your day to walk me back." Kenneth replied as Skyquake quickly looked away from Kenneth.

Skyquake could not believe this human, was it even allowed to be this precious? Eventually the two made it to Kenneth's room, before he could enter however Skyquake grabbed him by the shoulder. "Don't worry baby bird, I won't ignore you." Skyquake said as she gave him a wink before walking down the hall with a sway in her hips. Kenneth simply shook his head before entering his room as the door locked behind him. Kenneth are his dinner before laying down on his bed in hopes of actually getting to sleep for once. Kenneth couldn't help, but wonder what adventure awaited him next at the Decepticon base.

So Kenneth met Dreadwing and Skyquake! Although now he has to spend a day with Soundwave. Also all of you have noticed that each member has their own nickname for Kenneth. Although I'm having a hard time coming up for one for Soundwave. I'd be happy to take suggestions on the topic! What will Kenneth have to deal with next? How will his day with Soundwave go? Find out in the next chapter of Not So Evil!

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