His Pet, Now and Forever

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I lay peacefully on my bed in half form, curled up with my tail wrapped lazily around me. Although I was still pissed at being changed while unconscious, I had to admit that Ciel’s clothes were comfy.  Knock, knock, knock. My door opened with a creak and I heard someone chuckle.

I pulled the pillow over my head and groaned. “Go away,” I mumbled.

I felt the bed cave in a bit as he took a seat beside me, “What? Are you still mad about last night?”

My cheeks turned bright pink and I hissed at him through the pillow. “Oh, poor kitty,” he cooed while petting my tail.

I lift up a corner of the pillow to see him staring at me with a crooked smile. “My master tells me that you know about our special situation.”

Oh yes, the demon thing. I threw the pillow at him and he caught it mid-air. “Well that wasn’t very nice. I’m just trying to be friendly.”

I sigh and then mumble my truly horrible French, “Allez-vous en démon. Je veux juste me rendormir.” Which loosely translates to, ‘Get out demon. I’m going back to bed.’

He chuckled, “Mon petit chaton.” My little kitty.

I sat up sharply, “I am not. I don’t belong to you, I belong to Ciel.”

His eyes glowed a bit at his words but I didn’t care. I was Ciel’s kitty, in many ways. I liked Ciel. He was nice and quiet.

I had no time to react as, for the second time, Sebastian pressed his lips against mine. I couldn’t explain it but I immediately kissed him back. His gently sucked on my lower lip and I opened my mouth in a moan. His tongue wrestled with mine, exploring every inch of my mouth.  

His had held me down by my waist and I curled my fingers into his short black hair. He pulled away from my lips and smoothly created a trail of soft kisses across my cheek and down to my neck where he bit down marking me as his and then softly licked up my blood.

I gasped a bit as I felt the tie being made. Completing a blood contract I hadn’t agreed to. I was his, body and soul.

Now and forever.

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