His Neko, Trapped

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And then he left. He pulled away from me and walked out the door.

I stared after him wide eyed and I could practically sense the smirk on his lips. He had gotten what he wanted. I was his now. He owned me.

I sat up to see a pile of clothes at the foot of my bed. A navy blue dress that went down to the ground and black corset apron. Damn. How was I going to get dressed? I shifted into my more human form and grabbed the dress before going to May-Rin’s room.

. . .

I was extremely happy that May-Rin didn’t lace up the corset as tight as Sebastian would have, but I didn’t like it. The sleeves were the same as the last one and I had a thick black ribbon that went around my neck, effectively covering the little pentagram that was now imprinted onto my neck.

Once I was dressed I went straight to Ciel’s room as he had instructed me to do the day before. I knocked on the door lightly.

“Come in.”

I took a step in and bowed politely to Ciel who sat, dressed in black and sipping tea. Sebastian stood at his side.

“Hello, Neko.”

Another bow, “Young Master.”

He looked up at me surprised but I kept my gaze down to the ground, afraid I might catch Sebastian’s  gaze. “I’m going into town today. You and Sebastian are to come with me.”

“Of course, Sir.”

“Is something off, Neko?”

I shook my head and looked up quickly only to pull my gaze away again.

“Alright I suppose.”

I bit my lip, “Young Master? Might I ask why we are going into town today?”

He answered me simply, “Preparations.”

. . .

We sat in the carriage awkwardly. Me on one side and Sebastian and Ciel on the other.

We’d gone to a few shops already, getting things for the house but now I didn’t know where we were going. Ciel continued to try and talk to me but I simply replied, “Yes Sir,” or “No Sir”, or sometimes “Yes Yong Master”, or “No Young Master”. I didn’t know why, but I couldn’t talk to him anymore and I didn’t know why.

We came to a stop and slowly walked out. When I saw where we were, my mood brightened. We were at the Undertaker’s shop.

Sebastian frowned, “Why are we here, Master?”

Ciel smirk. “I’m supposed to be dead, aren’t I? What good would that silly little note do if there was no funeral.” He shook his head, “No good at all. I’m here to buy a coffin.”

“So you intend to put an empty coffin in the ground and mark an empty grave as your own?” Sebastian asked. Ciel nodded, looking pleased with himself.

We walked in and I felt a jolt of happiness go through me. I got to see him again. I could tell he was in here. I sensed it. He was hiding, but here.

Ciel scoffed, “Where is that useless fool?”

I smiled simply, “Allow me, Master Ciel.” I walked up to one of the coffins and struggled not to laugh before tapping on the wooden lip and calling, “Would the dead arise so as we could have a moment of their time?”

I took a step back and Ciel and Sebastian stared at me. The coffin creaked open and a laughing man peeked out.

“Back so soon, little Neko Night?” he cooed in an eerie voice.

I smiled back at him but stopped when I felt a small burning in my neck. I turned back to see Sebastian glaring at me. I dropped my eyes to the old floor and replaced my emotionless mask.

There was a strange silence as Undertaker, for once, stopped laughing and looked at me in concern.

I bowed politely and in monotone replied, “Very nice to see you again, Sir, but my Master is here on important business.”

The corner of Sebastian’s lips went up in a crooked smile as Ciel and Undertaker stared at me in disbelief.

“Neko? Are you sure you’re alright?” Ciel asked. I nodded and, after a bit more silence, he turned his attention back to Undertaker, who continued to concentrate on me.

“I’m here to purchase a coffin to use at my ‘funeral’.”

Undertaker nodded but when he spoke, his voice no longer held the childlike playfulness or eerie passion that I normally did. Instead it was calm and concerned. “Of course, I’ll see to it right away. Return in a week, bring Neko along too.”

Ciel nodded and then did something I never imagined he would. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly in his grasp as if he’d never let me go. But then he did let go, and I felt alone again.

Sebastian left first and Ciel followed him. I turned to leave but suddenly felt the soft black ribbon slide away from the bare skin of my neck. I clasped a hand to the mark and looked back at Undertaker. I tried to snatch it away but he held it out of my reach.

I tried again and was swiftly pinned against the wall, both of my hands held above my head. Undertaker’s hair was brushed away from his face and his pure green eyes pierced through me. He stared at the mark on my neck and I looked away from him.

I gasped when I felt his rose petal soft lips gently brush across the mark in a soothing kiss. I shivered slightly as his lips moved upward and I felt his warm breath on my ear.

“Don’t let him take away your smile, Neko. For what a shame it would be, if laughter disappeared from the world.”

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