Chapter 10 - Birdie

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(I used to wonder what would happen if Snow White ended up with one of the dwarfs instead. It seemed like Grumpy made a better  boyfriend then the Prince did. I will also translate when Rufous and Encre talks in French for you guys.

This text = french to English


Encre looked around at the baby blue painted room, which was decorated with velvet carpets and brown leather couches. It was fancy, but also cozy in it's own sorts.
He had been oblivious to his companion's revulsion, starring at the small black bat that just simply chilled in the painter's coat pocket.

"Do you have any idea how disturbed I am by the fact that you just adopted a rodent. A rodent that could also hold about two dozen diseases?" Rufous scrunched up his nose hole is more disgust with the creature.

Encre didn't face his friend when he spoke, simply smiled as he admired the handiwork of the above chandelier. Currently they were in the lounge of the monster castle, waiting for the King's arrival. Azure had left to go inform his highness of their arrival, and said he would return to warn them when he was on his way.
Rufous would be doing most of the talking however, seeing as how the painter couldn't really speak English.

When it came to things such as work meetings, propositions, or social interactions, Encre was a very apathetic type of person in it all.
Whenever he used to have one of his art shows, he always left the talking to his secretary. The same as he was doing to Rufous this very moment.

"I think I'll name him after my favorite English word, " Encre smiled at the thought, before scooping up the small creature into his hands.

He had learned to come and love the term that existed in his least favorite language, but he still spoke it with his thick accent intertwined into his voice.
"Birdie~," he purred, nuzzling Birdie's small head softly.
In return the bat let out when can only be described as a squeaky 'click', but the bat just drew closer to Encre as he nuzzled back.

"Out of all of the damn words to choose as your favorite, you choose a Golf-related word," Rufous snarled in his natural language, jumping onto one of the sofas in a relaxed position, "and out of all of the animals to choose as a fucking PET, you keep the most feared -and hated- one out there."

About a few months back, Rufous had been translating the local sports newspaper to Encre as a favor, and had accidentally said 'Birdie' instead of its french word.
After hearing it for the first time, one thing lead to another and it became his favorite word in general.

Encre rolled his eyes in annoyance as his friend once again spoke in the wrong language to him. He hated that so much. He was pretty sure he hated not being able to understand someone more than he hated English.

A door in the middle of the room, in which was not the one they had used to enter, slammed open, mkaing Rufous to fall off of the leather couch in suprise.
In the doorway stood a very out-of-breath Azure. He kept repeating a single sentence too both of them in English, but the only one that Encre understand was 'King'. So obviously the royal was now on his way.
In realization, Encre rushed to gently set the bat between his shoulder bone and neck, letting him snuggle under his coat collar in hiding.
"Please, stay hidden little one. The king hates your kind." Encre said.

Dusting himself off, Rufous did his best to try and look presentable for the king. Trying to scrape off a few dirt marks on his face as best as he could, he went to go stand next to his friend.
Taking a side glance at Encre, Rufous noticed him gazing a framed painting on the nearby wall. At first, the Blacksmith just assumed he was admiring dusty old artwork as he usually did. But then he saw that the painting portrayed a very specific sort of scene.
In it was a natural scenery of evergreen trees and blue skies, but in the main part of it all were several monsters from the right side of the frame running to the middle. Guns and swords in their trigger thirsty hands, the artist had painted the monsters as hero's.
On the left side of the painting was a black forest, so eerie that it left goosebumps on any gazers skin (or bones). The Monsters Hero's enemy was not only running, but flying to the middle of the portrait. Vampires of all shapes and sizes. Fangs bared and faces disoriented, the painter definitely gave the vampires an evil aura to them.
The..."Hero's" were painting the skies red with the blood of their enemy, striking them down in absolute defeat.

It wasn't until Rufous read the plate under the picture that he realized it was meant to display the events of the Battle Of Von'Clair, which happened to be the last battle that Encre and Rufous had fought in.

"It did not look like that," Encre spoke softly, a strain in his voice.

Rufous looked upon his friend with a saddened heart, knowing exactly what he meant.
During their service, Encre had never once ever considered his own kind to be the good side. He never once thought of the vampires as the enemy, but he was forced to kill them anyway.
And it was the vampires who had left that battle with more men then anyone could count that day, the King's soldiers only left with two. Two men who were almost broken on the inside. And he had summoned the exact same monsters to come into his castle today.

Rufous gripped Encre's soldier in a sort of comfort, nodding in agreement with him.

Suddenly the sound of the second entrance being opened once again, filled the void of the quiet silence. The sound of stomping stole away their attention from the painting.

In the doorway, stood a very tall goat monster, wearing the finest clothes anyone could have ever layed their eyes on; atop his head he wore a golden crown with diamonds embedded into it perfectly.

King Asgore smiled as he saw the very strict looking skeletons.

"Ah! Rufous! Encre! So good to see you again," smiling brightly the king sat in the middle of one of his sofa's, "Please, come sit. We have much to talk about."

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