History - 10 fact recall

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Try to answer these 10 questions about the Vietnam war ( answers after questions)
1: in what year was the tet offensive?
2: name one tactic used by the north Vietnamese.
3: what were communist south Vietnamese called?
4: what was vietnamisation?
5: in which battle were the French defeated?
6: what trail did the nv use to get to the Sv?
7: name all presidents involved in the Vietnam war in order.
8: name one offensive conducted by America
9:which village was massacred in 1968?
10:when was the fall of Saigon?

1. 1968
2. Hit and run, ambush, guerrilla, tunnels etc
3.viet cong
4.end US involvement in the war by training the south Vietnamese to fight without them.
5. Diem bien phu
6.ho chi Minh trail
7.eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon
8.operation rolling thunder
9.my Lai

Side note: these answers are only very basic and may not get full marks in an exam but act as a recall test to help with weakness in certain areas of the topic.

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