10. Vastauksia ja Kyyneleitä

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I was on a date with Archer. We didn't do much except hold hands for the camera occasionally. So I was often left to my own thoughts.

It had been a month now since my selection started. I'd been on several dates and worked out who I wanted to stay, and who would be eliminated. The elimination was coming up soon and I was... not nervous. Usually, I'd frantically be worrying if I was making the right decision or not, but I was trusting my instincts. And I thought I'd see the guys getting nervous... but they weren't. It felt like they respected my decision, which I was grateful for.

I was finally getting some peace. It was like the storm had passed over, leaving everyone calm, and happy. I liked this side of the palace.

A loud, deafening siren interrupted my internal voice. I recognized it the second it sounded. The rebel alarm.

I was so frightened I froze. My mind went into flashback mode and replayed myself getting caught by N.R. But instead of him releasing me, my brain modified the scene to him killing me. I was brought back to reality by Archer tightening his grip on my hand and leading me to the back exit of the palace. I didn't know what he was doing, I just let him do it. I was too scared to protest.

As we went past the gate I thought about how I haven't been outside the palace grounds in over a year. I've been quite lonely. The guards weren't there. They were probably stationed to guard the safe rooms. A stupid thing to do, but I wasn't sure many people knew about this back entrance. I wonder how Archer knew...

"Walk faster." he said. Walk faster. What N.R. said to me. And that's when I started to hallucinate. Archer's button-up shirt and jeans turned into a fake guards uniform. What's even more weird is it seemed to fit him perfectly. "I'm taking you somewhere you'll be safe for now. We'll return to the palace tomorrow."

I looked back to see if any rebels were heading our way. It didn't seem like it until I saw a figure trying to run our way. White t-shirt, jeans... Arrow! What was he doing? He should be in a safe room!

Arrow suddenly collapsed. I froze. My heart pounded beneath my chest. I cautiously looked a little to the right. A rebel. A rebel pointing a gun. A rebel shot Arrow. A rebel shot my best friend. A rebel...

I was on the verge of tears when my body gave up and I collapsed.

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and trees rustling. I slowly opened my eyes and attempted to sit up. Then everything rushed back to me. The rebel, Arrow. I was too quick to think no one else would leave me. First William, and now Arrow. My hand flew up to my mouth as I tried to choke back a sob. It was no use, as a few seconds later I started to cry, my tears leaking my blanket and pillow. I closed my eyes. My friend was probably dead by now. And there was nothing I could do about it.

I cried myself back to sleep.

When I woke up again, Archer was in the room, his violet-blue eyes looking out the window, seeming to be deep in thought. I took a shaky breath in. Archer snapped back to reality and helped me sit up.

"Thanks," I said blinking hard. Archer wore a sad smile.

"I saw what happened." he said. "Do you want to talk about it?" Do I want to talk about someone I care about getting shot?

"No, not really." I replied looking down. I'd be killing myself if I were to talk of him. But I have to be optimistic. I'd lose my mind if I wasn't. He could have just been shot. Not killed. Shot. Grandma Mer and Grandpa Max have both been shot. And by the looks of it, they're very much alive.

Archer nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get it." he sighed. "Would you like some food? Water?"

"Water please." I requested. He nodded and exited the room. That's when I finally started to wonder Where am I? I was in some type of wooden house?

Archer came back with a glass of water in his hand and handed it to me. I took a sip, then blurted, "What is this place? How do you know about it? Can the rebels find us here? What's happening?"

Archer sighed. "Freshen up and meet me at the pond." he said.

"The pond? Where's that?" I asked confused. I didn't know this place. I thought that was obvious.

"Follow the path. You'll find it." he pointed to a door behind me and then to a closet. "That's the bathroom, and you'll find clean clothes I'm pretty sure will fit you." With a weary smile, Archer disappeared through the door.


When I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, I looked horrendous. My mascara was smudged, my lipstick... wasn't even there. My hair... wasn't pretty. I looked exactly like I did when my date with Arrow when horribly wrong.


I tried to shake the thought off. I had to get ready. I needed answers from Archer.

So, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and hair. Whoever was here before made sure everything looked in perfect shape. It all looked unused. The toothbrush for sure I hope.

Now I had to choose an outfit. I reached for the closet door. I was awed when I opened it. I got to choose from gold, glamorous gowns to simple, comfortable jeans and tees. I'd only worn jeans and a t-shirt a couple of times, so I decided to go for it. It fit perfectly. I was in love. Why didn't they make gowns as comfortable as this? If I weren't a princess, I'd wear these everyday.

As I was trading my heels for sneakers, I noticed there were initials stitched into the jeans. A.S. it read. I wonder who that belongs to.

I tied my hair back into a ponytail, and looked at myself in the full length mirror. I was looking... better than before.

I thought about what Archer said. Freshen up and meet me at the pond. Follow the path. You'll find it.

I search the tiny house... or big hut. Whatever it was. And found a green door. Sure enough, when I opened it, there was a sandy path leading from the door, to what I hoped was the pond.

I took a deep breath, and followed it.

The walk was beautiful. Duckling waddling in one line, trying not to be separated from their mom. Leaves turning the colors of autumn. A creek, singing the sound of water. I sang softly along to it all the way until pond.

When I got there, Archer was sitting on a small stone bench in front of tall, pine trees, closing his eyes. The view was stunning. The water was a crystal clear blue in the creek, but in the pond it was... a very clear, dark, mint green. I could've looked at it forever.

I stopped singing. Archer opened his violet-blue eyes. I glanced at them, then stared as I got hooked. He stared right back at my blue ones. I don't know how long we stayed like that. Maybe a few seconds? An hour? A minute? I'm truly unsure.

I think we both realized what we were doing at the same time because we broke eye contact, and blushed.

It wasn't time for blushing though, I needed to know what Archer knew.

He scooted to the left to make space for me on the small bench. As I sat down, I tried to not think of how close we were sitting.

"It's time for answers." I said crossing my arms.

Archer nodded and sighed. "It is."

*evil laugh* AHAHAHAHA! Arrow's dead! Jk

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*evil laugh* AHAHAHAHA! Arrow's dead! Jk... or am I???

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