Captured Pt.2

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Erik lands in Wakanda as T'Challa meets him. "How is everything?"
"Still the same.. Shuri has been working hard for this person to not hack in our systems and blocking it every time"

"Okay let me see if I can find it"
They head to the lab where Shuri is getting frustrated with the system "Shuri, Erik's here"
"Good I need help cousin.. this person is pissing me off"
"Okay let me use a virus to attack the link is it the same one?"
"It's different links they send"
"I'll use my flash drive to send a virus to the links.. that should hold them off til I find the main link host"

Erik plugs in the flash drive and as soon as the links popped up, the virus hit them and dropped off. "Looks like it's working.. we have to keep our eyes on it while I find the host link"

T'Challa nodded and Shuri took a deep breath of relief "I'm glad you are here Jaka"
"No problem"

~Unknown Area~
Lena is still knocked out in the back of the van as the person in black picks her up and sets her down in a chair as they tie her hands and ankles.

They throw water on her as she gasped waking up like out of a nightmare. She looked and saw two men in all black with their faces covered. One spoke

"Hello Lena Udaku"
"Who the hell are you and how you know my name?"
"Let's just say we know your husband"
"I don't understand who are you?"
One of the men pulled his mask off and Lena couldn't believe who it was"
"Lena..I've been following you since you left me.. I want something from you"
"No I'm not giving you shit!"
"I want your husband to release the weapons and vibranium or else."
Lena looked at him with no fear
"Or what?"

The other man took his mask off and Lena looked at him
"Or you will die and be sent back to Erik in a body bag"
"Klaue!! how are you alive?"
"Easy really Lena.. I had a bulletproof vest on and I took an antidote to make me look like I died.. so when the Wakandans shipped my body back to my home, I awoke."
"And Chris how are you in this shit?!"
"Well I was in it the whole time since you met me.. oh at the club that night I met you, I saw your "prince" and I was looking for him but you got in the way."
"So you worked for Klaue this whole time?"
"Yes Madam Slay... I know who you are"
"Oh yea try me then!"

Lenas eyes started glowing blue until Klaue smacked her in the face."Listen here we want Erik to release the weapons and vibranium to us..he still has that  evil side to him"
"No that's not true.. Erik doesn't live that life anymore"
"Oh really Lena?"
"Erik has set you up this whole time.. he doesn't love you.. he's playing ya"
"No he's not he loves me"
"You sure?
"No you're trying to play with my mind no it's not true"

Chris grabs Lenas beads as he turns them to call Erik. "What are you doing Chris?"
"Calling your so called husband"

The screen pops up on the big screen in the lab and Erik sees Lena's picture pop up and answers it "Hey baby I'm a littl.. the fuck are you doing with Chris?"
"Hello there Prince N'Jadaka..we have your wife"
"Yea.. we"

"Klaue? Da fuck I thought you were dead.. me and Lena shot you"
"Incorrect Erik.. I faked my death and now we have your precious princess here with us.. I wanna make a deal.. give us the weapons and the vibranium and she won't get hurt.. if not, a nice body bag will be at your door with your precious wife in it"
"Klaue, you betta not touch my wife"

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