Chapter 6

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Even though Raven's new friends basically bailed on her, it didn't stop her from continuing her plan. But there was one problem, since Bellamy and Clarke weren't with her anymore she had nobody to distract Murphy.
That's when it hit her, those two weren't the only ones in the group and there was another pair of boys who had been really nice to her. She smirked and shot them both a text, asking them to come over.

It didn't take long before her doorbell rang and she swung it open, smiling widely at her two guests. "Hi guys!"

"Hey, Reyes," Jasper grinned and gave her a tight hug, pulling Monty in it as well. "Group hug!

"You're adorable," Raven giggled and pulled them inside. "Welcome to my humble home!"

"It's great! But isn't it huge for you alone?" Monty asked as they were getting comfortable on her couch.

"No," Raven answered, walking to the kitchen and made everyone a drink. "It's perfect. I only have one extra room, the guest bedroom. But nobody's stayed there."

"Well, time to change that. I say sleepover!" Jasper yelled and Monty nodded with excitement.

"We've got to do that!" He added happily. "But we don't have our stuff here!"

"You could wear my clothes?" Raven suggested, crossing her arms with a sneaky smile, waiting for their reaction.

"Raven," Monty chuckled. "You're tiny, we don't fit into that!"

"Monty," she mimicked him with an ever bigger grin than she had before. "I own a lot of men's clothing, because I like it big."

"Oh, you like it big?" Jasper repeated, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh, shut it! You know what I meant!" She said, smacking the back of his head playfully. "But I called you guys over for a reason." She crossed her legs and fidgeted with her brace. "I'm going to dye Murphy's hair as a prank?"

"You're doing what?!" Monty yelled, obviously shocked but also slightly (which meant, really) excited about it. "I'm so in! That jerk deserves a little joke! Maybe he'll learn how to be nicer!"

"Monty, calm your tits," Jasper stopped his rambling. "He's a good guy, he needs some love."

"Don't be such a sap," he answered and flipped him off with a faked smile.

"So, I'm going to need one of you to distract him and then—"

"—Raven," Monty interrupted her. "We both aren't close with him at all, it would make more sense if you'd come knocking on his door. If we'd do it, he immediately knows there's something going on."

"Shit, you're totally right," she grumbled and rested her head on Jaspers shoulder and pouted. "I've got nothing to talk to him about, though."

"You'll figure something out," Jasper reassured her sweetly and wrapped his arms around the girl who sighed once more. "Just make sure he doesn't see us."

"Yeah and you could always kiss him as a distraction!" Monty joked and Raven threw her empty (plastic) cup at him.

So they decided to make a plan, Raven would go over to her neighbor and figure out a subject to talk to him about while they'd sneak into his house through the backyard. She'd kept him distracted and they replace his shampoo with the dye and then they'd wait. Sounds easy, right?
Well, it definitely didn't go according to plan. At all.

"Hey," Raven said, trying to act cool as soon as she stood in front of her neighbor.

Murphy was only wearing some sweatpants, no shirt and his messy hair was definitely a good look on him. And let's not get her started on his bo—. 'No, look away, Raven. That's not why you're here,' she thought to herself and she bit down her plump lip. Sadly, it seemed like he had already taken a shower and she wouldn't see the results of her genius plan any time soon.

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