Chapter 13

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Like they said, the two girls arrived to Octavia's house about an hour too early but the brunette didn't mind at all. She was enthusiastic to meet Harper and the two hit it off immediately, leaning Raven alone in the kitchen as she poured herself a drink.

She didn't get the chance to give Octavia her present yet but she didn't care, the party hadn't even started and they were obviously busy with preparations.

Raven was supposed to put the snacks in bowls but she finished doing that within a few minutes, since she didn't think it was necessary to color-code everything like Octavia had asked. Maybe that made her a bad friend, but in the end, she was convinced no guest would even notice.

She took a sip of her non alcoholic drink and got out of the kitchen, slipping through the back door as she wanted some alone time before all the people would come.

Sadly, her moment didn't take long, as it was interrupted by a brunette.

"What are you doing out here?" Octavia asked as she shut the door behind her so nobody would hear them. "We're having some drinks before the party starts."

Raven shrugged and fidgeted with her cup. "Dunno."

"Are you okay? I know the fight scared you," she mumbled and turned her head so she could look at her friend.

"It didn't scare me," she instantly replied. "I didn't think it would come to that. I didn't even expect that you'd all fight as well."

"Of course. You're our friend, Raven. We stick together, even when one of them is stubborn as fuck," Octavia chuckled. "The point is, we all care for you. Even though we know each other for, like, a week. You left your mark."

Raven laughed at her and rested her head on her friends shoulder. "Thank you, O."

They stayed silent for a few minutes and Octavia wrapped her arms around the other female.

"Oh, by the way," Raven pulled away as she enthusiastically tugged on Octavia's arm. "I got you a present."

She didn't give the girl a chance to respond as Raven forced her back inside, to the living room where she found the rest of the group on the couch and chairs.

"Time for the gifts!" Clarke squeaked as soon as she saw the two. "Who's first?"

They all handed Octavia their presents and she loved each one of them. Of course, she tried on the dress immediately and she looked absolutely stunning.

"Don't look at my sister like that," Bellamy said mortified as he watched Murphy staring at her as well.

"Mate, she looks awesome," he responded with an eye-roll.

Bellamy didn't answer but huffed and crossed his arms in protest. Clarke couldn't help but chuckle as she rubbed her boyfriends arm gently.

"Raven, you've outdone yourself. This is fucking awesome," Octavia said as she spun around the living room, admiring herself in the window. "I know I'll get some tonight."

"My ears! What have you done to my sister?!" Bellamy whined.

The bell rang and Octavia skipped to the hallway to open the door and was followed back inside by Monty and Jasper.

"Holy," Harper whispered to Raven as she eyed Monty. "Who's that?"

Raven didn't need to answer as the male walked over to introduce himself to her with a cheeky grin. "I'm Monty."

"Harper," she breathlessly told him her name and Raven felt the sparks flying around them.

"Lost her for the night," Raven whispered to Clarke who giggled and nodded in agreement.

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