Chapter 7

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To say Murphy was angry with his new, purple hair was an understatement. He was boiling inside and he could just kill Raven. (Okay, not literally but he sure felt that way at that moment.)

He had to take a quick shower before he went to work and instead of washing his hair, it turned out to be a whole different color. Murphy could already picture Raven's face and he was only getting angrier at the thought of that. "That bitch," he grunted to himself and ran his hands through his hair.
His knuckles were bruised and covered in cuts from the punches he threw last night. He cursed once more, how was he going to explain this at work?

Murphy worked as a bartender, but lucky for him it was at this big, fancy place so the payment was really good. Of course, he didn't look very classy with his hair and hands and he grumbled. He had to call it a sick day, because he knew showing up like this would definitely get his ass fired.
So he put on his best, sick-y voice and let them know he wasn't able to come in today.

It was still early and he only had a few hours of sleep, but he needed his neighbor to know how not amused he was at her stupid joke. God, she was such a fool.
He stomped over to her house, only to find it with its blinds still closed and the lights out. Murphy chuckled to himself, as he realized she was still sleeping. He got the key he still had and unlocked her door, he was surprised to find her sleeping peacefully on her couch... with two boys all over her.

"Damn, she is a wild one," Murphy muttered to himself and sneaked to Raven's kitchen, searching around the cabinets for two pans. He laughed to himself once more before getting back to her living room and smashing the two pans against each other repeatedly.

Raven screamed and Jasper did the same and in the process of that, they bumped into each other's heads. Monty didn't even react, he just rubbed his eyes and gave Murphy a sheepish smile.

Raven, however, jumped up in anger and was ready to cuss him out until she saw his hair. "Oh my god," she giggled and pointed at his now purple locks. "What a good look!"

"Ha, so funny," Murphy replied, rolling his eyes in annoyance and did that once more when he realized Raven wasn't with two strangers but actually with someone of his group of friends. "What are they doing here?"

"Oh, sweet, sweet Murphs," Jasper started and he got up and wrapped his arm around the male's shoulder. "We were a part of this. That's right, we helped Raven with her masterplan."

"Don't talk to me like that," Murphy gagged and got away from Jaspers grip. "I missed a day at work because of this."

"At least you didn't get fired," Monty murmured and both Raven and Murphy flipped him off. "Hey! I'm on your side, Raven!"

"Sure," she answered and pulled up her sweatpants slightly as she walked towards the kitchen. "Anyone wants breakfast?"

"Totally!" Jasper exclaimed and followed right behind her. "I could kill for some bacon."

Monty eyed the other male and sighed sadly. "Again?" He was obviously hinting at his knuckles.

"Stop it, Green. I don't need your pity," Murphy spat back at him, quickly stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Not friends."

"We could be," Monty almost whispered but was loud enough for him to hear. "You know, I'm a good listener and I give great advice."

He couldn't help but laugh at his words but gave in. "Fine, if you want to, we can hang out sometime."

"What are you guys talking about?" Raven asked and came back with four plates filled with breakfast in her arms. "I used to be a waitress," she explained and winked.

Everything I didn't say (Murven) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now