Chapter 19

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It was in the middle of the night when the three arrived back in town. But little did they know that the group of friends were all waiting for them in Bellamy and Clarke's appartement.

"You two could sleep in the guest bedroom?" Clarke yawned as soon as Murphy parked in front of her place.

He looked over at the sleeping brunette next to him, thought it over for a second and nodded in agreement. He was absolutely exhausted himself as well and wouldn't mind sharing the bed with his neighbor. "That'd be great, thanks."

Clarke got out of the car and Murphy did the same, but he made his way over to the other female and unbuckled her seatbelt. He then carefully lifted her up, her arms wrapped around his neck and her face nuzzled into his shoulder.

Clarke fiddled with the keys, opening the door and was greeted by a smiling Bellamy. "Hey, baby."

They shared a sweet kiss together before the best friends saw each other. Murphy couldn't really hug him and Bellamy just laughed before taking the sleeping woman from him.

"I'll take her upstairs, the others are waiting for you," the male said before walking upstairs to bring Raven to the bedroom.

Murphy shyly followed behind Clarke, scared of his friends reaction to him being back. "Hey?"

His fear immediately disappeared as soon as he felt Octavia's arms wrapped around him, kissing his cheek repeatedly. "You, asshole! Never leave without telling anyone, ever again!"

"So uncool," Jasper grunted, but it was obvious he wasn't really angry. "Where's Raven?"

"She's sleeping upstairs," Bellamy said and didn't waste any time hurrying over to Murphy to hug him.

He was happy. He never expected his friends to welcome him back like this, he feared they were mad at him and didn't want to see him again. But it was the exact opposite, they were all happy to see him.

"I have an idea," Clarke started as soon as everyone had greeted Murphy and she looked around the group. "I say we go back to the lake tomorrow, we haven't been there for quite some time and I'd love to spend time with all of you."

Octavia nodded enthusiastically. "That's such a good idea!"

"You mean the lake Raven fell in a few weeks ago?" Harper asked, crossing her arms as she tried to protect her friend.

It fell silent for a couple minutes, all trying to come up with an appropriate answer that wouldn't hurt Octavia but she rolled her eyes.

"She didn't fall, I pushed her," she explained. "I didn't mean for her to slip—"

"It's fine," Harper chuckled. "If she's still hanging out with you, I'm sure she got over it."

"Invite Lincoln!" Monty added. "We're gonna need two cars anyway."

Octavia nodded and she immediately pulled out her phone to ask her boyfriend if he wanted to join the group.

It was around six when Murphy said good night (or morning) to his friends and made his way to the bedroom. He was happy to sleep next to Raven but he quickly noticed she was still wearing her clothes.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself. He didn't want her to be uncomfortable but he knew he shouldn't take off her jeans, knowing how uncomfortable she was.

Murphy nibbled on his bottom lip before making the decision to at least take off her shirt, of course leaving her bra on. He traded her shirt for his, which was obviously a little too big for her. But she looked adorable in it.

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