Val Meets World

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I don't own Girl Meets World!!!

Val Matthews opened her eyes and sat up in bed. It was the first day of her seventh grade year. She got dressed in a loose green t-shirt, blue jeans, and white converse. Then she went into her twin sister, Riley's, room. Inside was her sister and her sister's best friend, Maya Hart.

"Good morning, Ri." Val greeted "Morning, Maya."

"Val!" Riley cried "I want to go on the subway like you and Maya! I wanna be bad!"

Riley made a funny face that must have been her "bad girl" face.

Val laughed "Oh, Riley, are you sure you're ready for the subway?"

"Yes!" Her twin exclaimed.

"You think you're ready to walk past your parents and get on the subway?" Maya asked.

"I think I am."

"Let's see your face as you walk past Mom and Dad." Val commanded.

Riley made a very scared face.

"What are you making that face at us, Riley?" Maya pretended to be the twins's parents.

"Because I'm sneaking onto the subway!" Riley sighed "Out the window."

She and Maya crawled out the window onto the fire escape outside. Val rolled her eyes and left the room to go downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning Val." Topanga Matthews kissed her eldest daughter on the forehead.

"Vallie!" Her younger brother, Auggie, shouted "Look! Mommy made waffles!"

"Yum!" Val sat down at the kitchen table "Where's Dad?"

"Keeping an eye on your sister." Topanga smirked.

"He caught her sneaking out then?"

"Yep, in fact I'm supposed to be up there supporting him. Eat quick, or you'll be late for school." Topanga went upstairs.

Val ate her waffles quickly and grabbed her backpack.

"Bye, Mom!" She called as she walked out the door "Bye, Auggie! Have a good day!"

She crossed the hall and knocked on the door across from her own. It opened to reveal her best friend.

"Hey Andi."

The girl across from her, actually named Andrea and hated the nickname Andi, scowled "Call me Annie."

"Okay, okay, sorry." Val put her hands up "Are you ready to go? We'll be late if we don't leave soon."

"Yep, I'm ready." Annie grabbed her own backpack and stepped out "Let's go."

The two friends linked arms and walked down to the subway. They boarded a train and stood near the doors.

"Hey, is that Riley?" Annie asked, surprised "I thought she wasn't allowed on the subway yet."

Yes, Val was allowed on the subway and her sister wasn't. In truth, it made sense. Riley was immature and youthful. Val was more, well, wise. She could handle herself better than Riley could and could deal with peer pressure without issue while Riley would give in to make herself seem "cool."

"She's not technically." Val explained "I think Dad told her she could give it a try today though."

"Hmm, well, she looks happy." Annie pointed.

Her sister was now sitting in the lap of some boy.

Val quirked an eyebrow and chuckled "Yes, she does."

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