Chapter 13: Rude

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Brandon and I got in the car and I thought he was ganna take me to a dinner, but he pulled up in the middle of a field. I was kinda confused but it was so pretty.

"What are we doing?" I chuckled as he got out the car.

"Our date." He Said.

"Umm? Okay?" I laughed getting out the car. As I followed Brandon, he opened the trunk and there were blankets and pillows and a basket.

"Oh my god!!" I cheered.

"I know, normally for first dates you go out to a fancy dinner but I wanted to do something more special for you." Brandon smiled pulling out food from the basket.

"This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me." I smiled and kissed him. We laugh the whole time and talk about our future and our goals. Brandon was honestly amazing. He cared about me.

7:00 pm
We got back to the house and everyone was around the house. Austin was in the living room painting and Zion was in his room playing fortnite. Edwin and Sana were watching a movie and they were oddly close. Nick was in the kitchen making food.

"How was the date???" Sana asked happily.

"Really REALLY GOOD!" I yelled making Nick notice.

"Awhh you guys are too cute!" Sana Said running back to Edwin.

"Yea, I guess you guys are too." I laughed raising an eyebrow.

"What? Um what?" Edwin Said pulling away.

"N-no we just watching a movie." Sana Said pulling away.

"Yeah...okay..."I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Yo, What you making?" Brandon asked Nick.

"Nothing for you." He snapped.

"Damn." Brandon Said holding his hands up on defense.

"Why did you have to be so rude?" Zion asked walking in the kitchen with his headset around his neck.

"Cause HE likes to take things that aren't HIS!" Nick yelled.

"Woah, bro is it because of the shirt I took from your closet?" Brandon asked while chuckled.

"Yeah. It was the fucking shirt." Nick said sarcastically.

"Nick relax." I Said.

"NO! IM NOT GANNA FUCKING RELAX!" He yelled as he slammed the fridge.

"DONT YELL AT HER SHE DID NOTHING TO YOU!" Sana yelled at Nick. Nick rolled his eyes and gave us a "oh okay sure" look.

"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING TO YOU! YOU HURT ME! YOU CHE-" I cried but then cut myself off remembering I couldn't tell them about What happened between Nick and I.


"'Nice one bro." Zion said to Nick. I busted my ass into those outfits and I got shit from it. I didn't know why Nick drove me crazy and I can't take it anymore!

"Come here." Brandon Said as he walked into my room with his arms open. I walked to him and cried in his arms.

"You shouldn't have him bother you." Brandon Said as we laid on the bed.

"I know but he just does." I said wiping my tears away.

"I'm just glad I chose you." I Said snuggling into his chest.

"What?" He asked.

"I-Um I meant it glad, that we told each other our feelings." I covered quickly. Luckily he believed me.

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