Chapter 14: Home Alone

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I woke up to an empty bed. Now that I'm with Brandon I basically moved into his room, so Sana now has her own room. Normally Brandon always waits till I wake up. I got up and changed into some sweats and a hoodie because it was really cold in the house.

I put my hair in a bun and slid on some socks. I walked out the room and felt cold air hit me harder. I walked down the hall to the temperature controls and it was on 55 degrees.

"What the ?" I Said confused as I turned it back up to 75 degrees. As I was about to walk into the bathroom, I heard a strange noise coming from the basement. Ever since they got this house no one ever goes in the basement. It wasn't furnished and it was creepy down there.

"Hello?" I yelled as I peaked my head out the door. No one answer. I put my foot on the first step and it creeped. I slowly observed my way downstairs.

"Valentina!" I heard which made me scream. I looked over and seen Brandon.

"Babe? What are you doing down here?" I chuckled.

"I have this camera from a long time a go and I can't find it anywhere." He said digging through boxes.

"So your ganna dig through the creep ass basement to find it?" I Said picking up a box.

"Yes." He Said.

"Okay then." I Said heading back upstairs.

"Wait. Are you okay? From everything last night?" He asked as he walked over to me and placed his hands on my hips.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm Ganna go take a shower." I Said kissing him and walking back up. I took a shower and got dressed for the day. I walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I seen Nick, sitting at the table on his phone. I didn't bother to say anything to him. I needed to work on some school work as well so I grabbed my notebooks and sat across from him minding my own business.

"Do you need help with that again?" He spoke. Right when he said that I looked up at him with no expression.

"What now, Nick." I Said annoyed.

"I'm just trying to start up a conversation." He Said continued to scrool on his phone.

"Well obviously that doesn't work out for us. And what makes you think i wanna talk to you?" I Said with attitude.

"V...look I-" he started but I cut him off and Brandon walked in with the big old camera.

"Look What I found!" He Said excited.

"Wow! So cool!" I smiled as I watched Brandon walk into the living room to mess with the camera, so i got up and grabbed my books and notebook.

"I'm ganna go finish my work in my room." I said to Brandon and who ever was listening.

"Wait Valenti-" Nick stopped me.

"Nick, I don't don't wanna hear it. I've heard enough." I Said grabbing my pencil and walking into my room.

"Babe! Come look at this!" I heard from our room. I got up and went out into the living room and seen Brandon on his computer.

"What?" I smiled as I cuddled next to him and looked at his screen.

"So that camera I found was so sick and I got some footage." Brandon Said pulling up the video.

"That's so cool." I Said looking up at him.

"Valentina, can u come shopping with me?" Sana asked as she sat on the couch next to me.

"I don't wannnaaa!" I complained.

"Pleaseeee???" She begged.

"Actually Ill go with you Sana." Edwin Said walking in.

"Really?" She said confused.

"Yeah!"she smiled.

"Great. You suck v." She said getting up and leaving the house with Edwin.

"So what's going on between them?" Brandon asked.

"Well Sana has had a crush on my brother for way to long and I think Edwin is just getting those same feelings." I Said playing with the chain on his neck.

"Bro, you ready?" Zion asked walking in with Nick and Austin.

"Oh yeah." Brandon said closing his laptop and getting up from the couch.

"I'll be back later. We have to go to the studio. I love you." Brandon Said as he kissed me and left with the boys.

"He just told me he loved me." I Said to myself as I cheered. Since I was alone for the rest of the day, I decided to have a day to my self and pig out. I order some Chinese and binged watched "the good place" on Netflix, I then ate a whole tub of ice cream.

10:35 pm
I got a text from Brandon telling me that they were ganna stay later because they have a lot of work to do, so I decided to clean myself up and head to bed. I threw away my trash and turned off all the lights. I started walking to the bedroom until I seen the kitchen light turn on. I was so confused and just thought I was overly tired that I thought I turned it off.

I went back and turned it off. I went into the room and got in bed. I positioned my pillow as if it was Brandon and tried to fall asleep but I heard the TV. I got up confused and listened a bit more and heard the TV on. I was getting pretty scared and I didn't know what to do. I opened the door a little bit and seen the lights all on.

"What the fuck." I Said scared. I quickly locked the door and grabbed my phone and called Brandon but he didn't answer. I called the other boys and Sana and no one answered. I grabbed the bat under Brandon's bed and slowly unlocked the door.

I peaked my head out the hall and stepped out slowly. I walked down the hall and held the bag as if I was ready to hit someone. I checked the house and no one was here. I then walked back to the room but the basement door was open. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. I walked toward the doors and looked down it and it was pitch black.

"Hello! My boyfriend is coming home right now!" I yelled to try and scare off what ever it was, even though Brandon wasn't ganna be here anytime soon.
I slowly walked down the basement stairs and tried to find the light switch. I found the string to the lightbulb and pulled it....

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