Chapter 6: Crush

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I finished my hair and makeup in the bathroom and headed downstairs at 6:45pm.

"Ooouu sweetie! You look so beautiful!" My mom Said as she started taking pictures, which made everyone look at me downstairs.

"Yo! Did you make that?" Brandon asked.

"Um, yeah it's just something quick I did." I Said looking at my dress.

"Girl! That's tight." Zion added. I thanked him and then the door bell rang. I opened the door and seen Andrew standing in the doorway with white roses.

"Oh my gosh! They are beautiful!" I smiled grabbing them from him.

"I didn't know if you like white or red so I settled with white." He chuckled.

"They are perfect." I smiled as I smelled them.

"Okay, Andrew take care of my baby and be home by 12:00pm." My mom chuckled.

"Yes ma'am." He said.

"Oh wait let me grab my purse." I Said quickly running into the kitchen and if you stand in the middle of our kitchen you can see the front door and I seen Nick standing their and watching everything.
I grabbed my purse from the counter and looked at Nick.

"Mmh not a date or anything right." Nick spat.

"Nick, they are just flowers." I Said rolling my eyes and walking back to Andrew. We leave the house and he was such a gentleman. He opened the door for me and we listen to a bunch of music. We went to eat at this really pretty restaurant. We sat outside and their were lights and everything.

"So How is it living with all these guys." Andrew chuckled.

"It's crazy and annoying. I don't get any of my own space, but their only here for 2 more days so I'll be fine." I laughed. We talked for hours and got to know each other a bit more. We finished dinner and decided to walk around downtown.

"I'm ganna just tell you the have been my crush for like 8 years." I laughed embarrassed.

"For real? Wow, I'm dumb for not noticing that." He chuckled.

"So...I'm really glad you asked me on a date." I smiled as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I'm really glad I did too..." he smiled as he stopped me. He wrapped his hand behind my neck and pulled me into a kiss. This kiss was really good and I've always wanted thiS but it just didn't feel ...magical.

"Thank you again...for the date. I had a lot of fun." I Said giving him back his jacket.

"I would love it , if I could take you out again." He said hoping I would say yes.

"Of course." I Said. He smiled and pulled me in for another kiss and said bye. I watched him drive off and I got inside and did a quiet happy dance. Everything was dark in the house so I assumed everyone was asleep. I walked up to my room and opened the door and seen Nick laying on the floor watching TV.

"Hey, How was the "thank you dinner"." He asked sarcastically.

"Why did you do that? It was just a thank you dinner." I Said annoying as I took off my shoes and put my purse on my bed.

"So for thank you dinners, you kiss the other person?" Nick question.

"H-How did y-you- Wait? were you spying on me!" I asked angrily.

"No! I just got out the shower and I was about to change and your curtains were open so I went to close them and seen you guys kiss!" Nick yelled.

"Okay? And! What if we did!" I yelled back.

"So you fucking used me for sex! And now your kissing this dick!" He said throwing his blanket.

"Nick! I didn't use you" I yelled but whispered the last word.

"Yes you did!" He yelled.

"Nick! How would I use you for sex when I-" I Said but quickly cut my self off.

"We aren't even dating! I haven't even known you for a whole fucking week!" I yelled.

"Whatever!" He yelled. I stormed into the bathroom and locked the door. How is he ganna tell me who to kiss. This is why I don't fuck around with relationships! I went back into the room and seen him on his phone. I got into bed and didn't say a word.

10:20 am
"Wanna go get coffee? I need it!" Sana asked as we were scrolling on our phone from just waking up.

"Yeah sure." I Said turning off my phone and stretching.

"Hey? Where did nick even sleep?"Sana asked.

"Oh I made him sleep on edwins floor with Austin." I laughed.

"Your so bogus." Sana laughed.

"What? You tryna get with him?" I joked.

" I mean hey! You rejected him." She said running her hands together. I just laughed. We got up and through on some clothes and went to Starbucks. Tonight is the Halloween dance at our school. It's one of the most biggest events for my school. We go all out. After getting our coffee we went back to the house and seen everyone awake.

"Mom? Where are you going?" I asked so confused as I seen a two big suitcase and 2 little ones.

"Well I thought it would be nice to get the two little ones and dad out of the house so we are going to a resort for a couple days because the boys are staying an extra week."

"W-Wait an EXTRA WEEK!" I complained.

"Be good, text me a picture of your costumes tonight!" She said pushing the kids out the door.
I can't believe they are ganna be here longer! I don't care about the rest of the guys because they are all chill but NICK! Ughh!!

"Girl, I honestly might die right now." I complained as I fell into the couch.

"I can't believe your complaining about 5 hot ass guys staying in your house.

"4." I Said.

"Girl Edwin is fine as shit." She said

"Eww! That's my brother!" I Said throwing a pillow at her.

"I'm just stating facts." She laughed.

"Your lucky you get to do a couples costume with Andrew tho, I have no one." Sana Said.

"I'll be your date." Edwin Said coming from downstairs. Sanas face brightened and a smiled appeared on her face. She always had a crush on my brother but I always told her no because that's just weird.

"NO! I yelled

"YES!" Sana yelled at the same time I did.

"Why not?" Edwin Said smirking.

"Because It's a HIGH-SCHOOL dance not a high school drop out dance!" I Said sticking my tongue out.

"Great! BOYS GET READY WE GOING TO CRASH A HIGH SCHOOL HALLOWEEN PARTY!" Edwin yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

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