Chapter 11: Roof Top

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"V? You okay?" Brandon asked as he came and sat on the roof with me.

"Um yeah? How did you know o was up here?" I asked.

"I come up here to when I need space." Brandon chuckled, climbing up the house.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" He asked.

Not really, I just don't wanna talk about it...." I Said. I did wanna talk about it but I couldn't.

"It's it a guy?" Brandon asked. I wiped my nose and nodded my head.

"Well whatever this jerk did to you...he should know you've been through a lot and he needs to back off and obviously if he's making you cry...he isn't good for you. He don't deserve you if he treats you like this." Brandon ranted. Brando was so cute and it really warmed my heart that he actually cared.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Valentina...ever since I met you...I realized how amazingly are. You aren't like other girls." He Said passionately. I just looked at him and blushed.

"Brandon....thank you..." I Said smiling. He smiled back. It was kinda silent from then. We kinda just looked st each other.

"Can I kiss you?" Brandon asked.

"Please." I Said thirsty as I climbed onto his lap and kisses him. W had a whole fucking makeout section on the roof. His hands slid gentle up my thighs and to my lower back. He laid me on my back so I My back was against the roof. I felt him slowly trail his finer to my button of my jeans and pop them.

I grabbed his pants and slowly unzipped them as our tongues were down each other's throats. I felt his hard member and gentle teased him. He slid down my pants and teased me by touching my heat. He then slowly slid into my folds and gently slid back and forth.

"Uhh B-BRANDON!" I mines from the pleasure. The roof top was filled with moans.

"Valentina h-hold it." He stuttered as he was out of breath.

"I can't." I cried from the pleasure. We both released at the same time. We laid on the roof panting.

"Oh my god!" I Said laughing trying to catch my breath as I put my clothes back on.

"What? Why you laughing?" Brandon laughed as he put his clothes on.

"I can't believe I just had sex on a fucking roof." I Said sitting up and putting my hair up.

"I know, but it was good. You can't lie." Brandon smirked as he rolled on top of me and moved my hair out of my face.

" better then great." I smiled holding his face in my hands and kissed him. We kinda just laid there and watched the stars, I started to hear Nicks voice in my head and I couldn't get it out of my head. All I heard was:

"You used me for sex!"
"I'm sorry!"
"You don't want him!"
"I need you"

It was pain and I needed to get it out my head. I quickly got up and climbed off the roof.

"Where you going!" Brandon asked.

"I gotta go to the bathroom." I Said quickly running back into the house. The music was making my headache worse. I ran through everyone and pushed people left and right. As I pushed through random people, I felt to the ground. I looked up and seen Nick.

"V! Where have you been!" He asked lifting me up.

"I-I um I-" I Said holding my head form the pain.

"V? Are you okay?" Nick asked worried and he held my lower back and my head.

"No...I'm ganna-" I Said holding my mouth close as I ran to the bathroom and puke. The guilt got my head and my stomachs which made me puke. I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Valentina. Come on." Nick Said as he carried me and brought me into my room and laid me on the bed. He closed the door behind him and sat at the end of my bed.

"How much did you drink?" He asked calm. I was ganna tell him but I remembered what he did tonight.

"Nick. Leave. Thanks for helping me to my room but I can't look at you right now." I Said turning over and facing my wall.

"Valentina, I'm so so so sorry." Nick Said as he made me start to cry and kissed my forehead and walked out my room. How does he have this control over me, he makes me feel so good inside.

7:23 am

I woke up early to finish the last couple things for the guys outfits I made. They turned out really good. They have shoot today at 1:30pm so I wanted to get them so I wasn't rushing. I hung up Edwins and steamed it and also did that for the rest of the boys. I grabbed a box from my closet which was a rank so I took it into the living room and build the rank so I could hang them.

I build it and put it in the center of the living room. I grabbed the outfits and hung them up so they weren't touching. I went into there shoes collection and picked out a pair of shoes for each outfit and laid them under each outfit. I decided to go get some donuts for them before they woke up. I grabbed my wallet and walked to the nearest grocery store. I picked out the cutest Ones and paid for them. I walked back to the house and laid them on the table.

"Good morning!" Austin said walking into the kitchen.

"Morning!" I Said as o took a sip of my coffee.

"Do you have an more?" Edwin asked coming in and pointing at my coffee cup.

"Yeah I brewed some." I Said pointing behind me to the coffee machine.

"V! You read my mind!" Brandon Said walking in and going straight for the donuts.

"I know." I smiled. Zion and Nick eventually came in and grabbed their donuts and some coffee. After we finished eating, the guys all went to shower and get ready. I cleaned u the kitchen with Sana as they all head upstairs.

"So...hows everything with nick?" She asked, Washing the dishes.

"Not good...I caught him in the bed with a random girl last night." I said wiping down the counters.

"What! Oh my god. Baby I'm so sorry." She said turning off the water and hugging me.

"No no it's okay, it's not like we were together anyways." I Said still hurt.

"Is that why you were no where to be seen last night?" Sana asked.

"Um yeah..." I Said in a nervous way.

"What." She said. I just shook my head and turned around.

"Valentina, I've known you for so fucking long, I know when your lying." Sana Said sitting down at the table.

"Come on." She said pointing to the seat across from her. I put the cleaner and rag on the counter sat down.

"So last night, after I found nick. I was so pissed so I went outside and just went up to the roof to cool down because I thought know one would look up there, until Brandon seen me and asked me what happened and he came up and I told him and he was so so so sweet and super nice and we kind just..." I ranted.

"V! You didn't. Please tell me you didn't." Sana paused me. I looked at her with a "Sorry" look.

"Valentina! You can't go around fucking these guys. They are your brothers band mates! You could ruin this if they al found out." Sana yelled getting mad.

"Stop yelling! They can hear us!" I Said getting up and walking nervously around the kitchen.

"I can't believe you did that. Babe, I will always love you but you have to figure this shit out before it gets worse." Sana Said looking at me with shame in her face. I nodded my head and watched her walk upstairs.

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