Chapter 15: In Love

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My head was pounding l, and my vision was blurry. I felt trapped and I slowly opened my eyes as they tried to re focused. I seen a rope wrapped around my body so tight I couldn't move a muscle. I could see the blood dripping from my head. I looked up and seen Andrew.

"W-What are you d-doing h-here!" I yelled.

"Well well Well, how lucky am I to find you in L.A." He Said evilly.

"Andrew, my boyfriend is ganna be here any minute!" I screamed.

"No. No, he's not. I heard everything. He's ganna be late at the studio." He chuckled evilly. I seen him walk upstairs and heard him grabbing things and throwing shit. I tried super hard to grab my phone from my pocket as quick as possible. After trying for a couple seconds I got it and texted the group chat.

"Helluup!" I tried to type but I was was shacking and I hit send right when I heard him coming back down. I slid my phone under my thigh.

"What do you want!" I cried.

"You. Valentina! I WANT YOU!" He screamed which made me cry harder.

"o-please p-lease leave me alone." I cried barley getting my words out.

"Why did you leave me?" He Said teasing me in my face. I tried to move my face away from his but he grabbed my face and moved it closer to his.

"your a fucking PSYCHOPATH!" I spit in his face. He grabbed my neck ruff and squeezed it tight. He was laughing in my face because I couldn't breath. My face began to trim purple and I could feel me trying to catch my last breath.

"This is what you get!" He laughed.

"VALENTINA!" I heard from upstairs. I tried so hard to make noises but I couldn't because I was taking my last breaths

"V!" I heard the rest of the boys yell as they ran around the house.

"Brandon!" I cried weakly. As soon as I seen 5 boys and Sana running down the stairs, my vision was black and all I heard was


And that was it.

2 days later...
"Guys! She's awake! She's awake!" I heard. I woke up to bright lights and needles in me. I was laying on a hospital bed. I couldn't remember anything. I just knew I was in pain. I seen 4 people walk into the room. 3 boys and 1 girl. I didn't know who they were.

"V! You scared me!" A girl with kind brown hair said as she hugged me.

"Can't wait to tell mom about this." A boy with short brown hair said chuckling

"Baby." A boy with glasses Said kissing my forehead.

"W-Wait w-who are you guys? I asked. They all looked at each other confused and disappointed.

"She doesn't remember us." The girl cried.

"Um w-where is N-nick." I asked kinda scared at all then looking at me.

"What." The guys with glasses said sad. Just then, Nick walked in.

"Nick! Who are they?" I asked quickly getting up and hugging Nick and staying close by him. He looked confused and looked at all the people.

"She only remembers you." The guys with glasses said with his head down.

"Valentina, are you okay?" Nick asked as he looked me in my eyes.

"No. I'm so confused and tired." I cried into his arms. He picked me up and laid me back on the bed.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting." The doctor said coming in.

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