Lovely Immortal Royal Lives

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No longer wandering many galaxies, Nymphea Kingdom settled down over Earth through the huge endless sky ruled by the Goddess Gaia. She created the floating land to be designed of emerald and glass bringing out its unworldly beauty. Flowers and waterfalls adorned the kingdom everywhere bringing out Nymphea's resourceful nature. Under Nymphea Kingdom, Crystal Tokyo began and expanded over all of Japan ruled by Neo Queen Serenity. There was a glass staircase that lead down to Crystal Tokyo connecting the two kingdoms so people would come and go.

Gaia's pearly snow white hair and long deer-like antlers displayed her wisdom over the years and her petite fragile looking body stood tall and graceful wearing her signature nature dress. Her white and black feathered angelic wings were tainted after the war with her father as if a reminder to never forget him and that he will always live on in her heart.

By her side was her lover for millenniums, Uranus, Soldier of the Heavens. Their souls tied by fate, now with time frozen in Crystal Tokyo and everyone given immortality they spend their endless days together never bearing boredom towards the other.

With this tranquil life they aspired to continue their bloodline and so twins, Dawn and Dusk were born. Dawn, born with silky long platinum blonde hair and sparkling ocean blue eyes just like her mother Uranus, inherited Gaia's angelic feathered wings in pure white. Dusk, born with long straight raven black hair and blood red eyes resembling more like Gaia's father, Chaos, inherited Gaia's angelic wings in onyx black along with horns. Unfortunately, their birth was not a peaceful one. Over time Gaia found out that her and her father were both born with the same curse. This curse was casted millenniums ago. A secret that was buried long ago along with time. No one who knew being alive to even spread rumors of a curse intended for the original Queen Serenity casted upon Chaos, only left in a book filled with the royals most darkest corrupted secrets buried deep in space.

Due to the curse and Gaia sealing herself away until the time was right Endymion cared for them. King Endymion, who would always make time for them, were more to him than just being daughters of his best friend. There were old feelings locked away deep in his past with Gaia that were to never come up it could potentially ruin both of the lives they have built. As years pass though, it was harder to keep them under lock down for him. So he shows Dawn and Dusk as much love as he can as a father figure to them.

Which sometimes awoke Small Lady and Neo Queen Serenity's jealousy. Small Lady would grow jealous of the attention they received from her father, but no one except the twins knew. Serenity has began to suspect the feelings he carries towards Gaia since he has been withdrawing himself from her. She knows what it's like to get bored of the feelings you've carried for over millenniums because she too had betrayed Endymion before when she still went by the name Sailor Moon. Fortunately for her, the people who knew were dead or so she thought.

There's a story that has never been told, deep in both queens past and that story is about to be unleashed and revealed to their loved ones. The scariest part is that they may not be able to recover from it.


"Auntie GG watch out" 200 year old, Small Lady yelled using the nickname she gave the lovely Goddess of Nature as she ran but didn't stop in time and accidentally knocked her down to the floor. During these times Small Lady was attached to Gaia who was one of the few people who would give her a motherly love which she craved.

"GAIA" Uranus yelled as she attempted to grab onto the railing for balance, but ended up falling down the stairs, immediately Uranus lunged after her and held onto her tightly in an attempt to protect her.

"AUNTIE" Small Lady cried as she ran down the stairs worried "you're... bleeding?"

"Ura..." Gaia called in pain as she quickly got back up ignoring her pain "it broke." Uranus quickly carried her bridle style and ran with Small Lady beside her "... take me outside" the weak goddess whsipered "the plants will care for me, please." Gaia looked at her lover desperately, until she at last caved in, trusting in her lover as they ran through the halls of the Palace of Nymphea Kingdom worried she wouldn't make it in time. At last, they saw the door at the end of the hall. Small Lady quickly threw herself against the doors as they flew open and then Gaia was enveloped by the wondrous lights of dusk time.

My Dearly Beloved Sailor Uranus // BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now