Lovely Kingdom

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"The sun's rising" Helios said connecting gazes with Dusk "you two should start getting ready for school..." Dusk reluctantly nodded while the two girls went to go change into their uniform which Helios stood out in the balcony for until they were finished. Dawn sat down in front of her vanity while Dusk proceeded to brush her twins hair and Helios joined in brushing Dusk's. It was an odd habit that they had developed once their friendship began. Once their hair was brushed Dusk and Dawn added their selective jewelry as well as their herbal scented fragrances.

Helios offered to braid Dusk's hair while they waited for Dawn to apply her makeup. Dusk never understood why every teen was obsessed with the silly products. Helios went to quickly braid her hair in one big French braid loosening up some pieces adding the final touch "ok done" he said proudly as she went to go look in the mirror happy and thankful for the results. Once Dawn was ready, the girls quickly teleported themselves and Helios to their school. Upon arrival, Dawn saw the young maiden who always brightened her day.

"Dawn" Chibi-Usa called waving at her from inside the high school building. Dawn quickly went to go meet up with her leaving her twin behind with Helios. The two of them knew the sort of relationship the future queen and goddess both had. So they did not stop them.

"You know we should probably go join them-" Helios suggested, but Dusk interrupted.

"Not happening."

When lunch time came the four of them would get together on the roof. That was the only time they would be seen together.

Dawn sensed something was up. She knew something was troubling her sister and had to ask instead of waiting for her to tell. So she attempted to ask what was wrong. Dusk tried to play it off as if it were nothing, but Dawn knew best so she pulled her aside.

"Come on. I'm your twin sister. I know when somethings wrong with you just like you do with me" she said as Dusk looked away guiltily. Dawn did not feel comfortable knowing that something was troubling her twin and she couldn't even tell her.

"We're here for you, you know that" Helios said softly walked up to them after Chibi-Usa left knowing it was best to give them space right now as Dusk took in a deep breath and sat up. Helios always seemed to hit the soft side on Dusk, perhaps it was because she always thought of him as weak puppy needing rescuing.

"Deman he..." Dusk said as they looked at her a bit more intensely causing her to feel uncomfortable, "I think we should go with him and find out the answers he has." Dawn let out a sigh as Helios looked at the both of them. Helios could not believe it. He knew he had to remind them. Dawn has remembered, but Dusk has yet to.

"I remembered why that symbol Deman had on his forehead looked so familiar" Dawn began explaining placing a hand on Dusk "Sunny, Sara, and Haru told us long ago when Neo Queen Serenity went by Sailor Moon there was this Prince from the Dark Moon Kingdom that was... obsessed with her." Then it clicked for Dusk while Dawn continued explaining "so he kidnapped her to make her his queen, but Mamo, Tuxedo Mask, saved her and then her and her scouts defeated him and his followers."

They plugged in the pieces of Deman surviving. He just looked a year or two older than them which confused them since Crystal Tokyo wasn't made until a few years after that battle. He should've been older unless he was just a baby, but they wouldn't know who's. Helios tried coming to the conclusion that he was a bad guy and shouldn't be trusted, but Dusk stood up for him slightly ticking him off.

"No he's not" Dusk breathed out as they both turned their attention to her "Deman" she called as she pulled out the rose from her pocket and held it up to her lips, placing a gentle kiss on top of it "please come." With that the wind grew fierce as her hair danced in the wind. It was as if a tornado was taking place in their room. The rose's petal fell off one by one as a dark portal grew in Dusk's hands then out stepped Deman grabbing onto her hand. He appeared kneeling down on one knee kissing the top of her hand.

"I didn't think you'd call me so soon after our encounter last night" he smirked as she looked down afraid to meet Dawn's eyes. Deman held a sinister look making her stumble back, but he caught her by the waist "so are you both ready to find out the answers which you seek?"

Dusk was beginning to get lost in his eyes which held a sinister look, but in it there was something deeper... something that she felt connected to. A hand appeared on Deman's shoulder as he was pulled back making him release Dusk "get your hands off her" Helios spat.

That was the first time Dusk and Dawn have ever heard him speak to someone like that. Dawn was immediately at her sisters side. She was ready to explain not telling her sooner, but Dawn gently smiled at her giving her an understanding look. After all, this has all happened before. Dusk recalled when she first kept her relationship with Small Lady a secret for about two days until she broke. Dusk immediately turned red and rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Hate to break it to you bird but this isn't your business" Deman said as they began to have a glaring contest.

Dawn and Dusk both had a telepathic conversation as twins they're able to understand each other. They didn't fully trust Deman, but they did want answers and maybe those answers would help them free their mother and restore balance. This was a chance they were going to have to take. Dawn pulled Helios away from Deman. "Ok we're listening. Tell us what you know" Dusk said "but he's apart of this too."

Deman clicked just tongue, but didn't argue "I told you, you'd have to come with me" he said as he walked towards the edge of the roof and they followed. He stepped on top of the railing as a pitch black portal slowly started to appear.

"You expect us to go through that" Dusk asked as if he was crazy while he nodded, yet they still followed him in "of course! Just follow the creepy hot guy we just met yesterday into a haunted like portal full of negative energy that could maybe lead us to our doom."

"Hot guy, hmm" he repeated with a smirk and his eyebrow raised while Dawn laughed seeing how he caught her sister. Meanwhile Dawn rubbing Helios back for support fully aware of the feelings he held towards her sister.

"Don't get it all up in your head now" Dusk replied.

"So not denying it" he added.

"Not confirming it either" she said pointing her finger at his chest then going up to flick his chin as she walked away, but was surprised with what she was greeted. Dawn held her hands up to her mouth as Helios gaped at the scene.

"Welcome to Dark Moon Kingdom...or what's left of it" Deman said as Dusk looked at him surprised thinking, 'This is his home? It's just like the Moon kingdom... it's in ruins.'

"After the former prince died so did his kingdom not many survived but those who did were lucky and strong" he said with eyes cold and hard "now I teleported us too far out. Let's get closer." Another portal appeared and he walked through it first as Dusk looked back at Dawn with painful eyes. She held up her finger to her mouth signaling to keep quiet for now. She knew her sister wanted to ask about the former Prince. Who knows just how much he knows about them and where they're from when they know nothing about him. They all walked in through the portal together with a heavy weight over their shoulders. They'd be lying if they said they weren't scared for what else they were about to find out.



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