Lovely Secret

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"Hello mother" Deman breathed out emotionlessly as she sucked in her breath. It was time all of Crystal Tokyo learned of a Lovely Secret about their unfaithful Queen. Gaia stared at the boy confused. She refrained from unleashing her powers after hearing that. She wants to know more, but she wasn't sure if this new comer will be willing to give up all that information.

"Demande..." Serenity breathed out in realization as she quickly shut her mouth and Deman stared at her painfully. He bent down to her level and moved his face beside her. Deman could never forgive her for abandoning him and leaving him parentless. He grew up with Bluir alone in the darkness.

"I, Prince Deman, of the Black Moon Kingdom" Deman declared his voice booming over all of them and the servants of the palace who have peaked through their windows and balconies "am daughter of Prince Demande and Neo Queen Serenity." The Queen lowered her head in shame not having any words to deny the fact since she felt too powerless in the moment. The Silver Crystal was long since broken and it's power isn't the same. But her younger days she could still recall while she was dating Endymion and fighting against the Black Moon Kingdom, Demande had abducted her and the two had an affair. When she found out she was with child she secretly gave birth and abandoned Deman... not wanting to ruin her reputation and knowing she wasn't ready to be a mother.

Everyone was shocked, but in secret a small shot of fire was sent in Dusk's direction to break the binding spell. She was free and confused who did that, but had no time to think. Dusk quickly clutched onto her Moonlight rod and held it to Deman painfully as tears escaped her eyes. Deman immediately turned to her frozen in spot.

Deman stood his ground and held out his hand which was enveloped by a portal and he pulled out a long sword, the sword that Serenity used to kill herself with and Demeter tried to kill Gaia with in the past. Within a second he raised it over Serenity's head and swung down but was somehow hit back leading the sword to only scratch the Queens shoulder. Dawn quickly went to make sure he was alright while Dusk stared at him with worry, but anger boiling in her blood with the close approximately she was in with Deman who soon whispered "Bluir...he's dead."

Dusk looked over the balcony to see Endymion, Helios, and Uranus running to them. Bluir having been struck by Uranus. She had ran ahead of the other guardians outside to the front so she could reach the balcony but ran into Bluir trying to harm Helios. Dusk turned her attention to the Queen of Crystal Tokyo who had suddenly summoned a lot of power and broke free from the chains. Sparing no time she clutched onto the sword and ran to Dawn and Deman, but Dusk pushed the two out of the way taking the hit right below her heart.

"DUSK" Deman yelled while everyone stared in shock. He immediately ran to catch her falling body as Serenity was trembling in fear due to the fact that she just stabbed a goddess. "DUSK! No! Please Dusk don't leave me." Deman cried as she felt weak from all the blood she was losing "I'm so sorry Dusk. This wasn't suppose to happen. You weren't the one suppose to die..."

While Deman buried his face in Dusk's tired body a bright light had escaped from the palace halls blinding anyone who dared look at it. The mirror walls of the palace made the light dance in a beautiful way while the Goddess of Life and Death stood tall elegantly walking not breaking eye contact from her precious daughter. She made it so only Deman could see her. She wondered who this boy that her daughter fell in love with was.

"Please... help her" he cried as he looked up to her.

"You've caused a lot of trouble for everyone what is it that you wished to accomplish from this" Gaia asked him as she looked off to Dawn wondering what happened to her bright daughter.

Deman looked over to Gaia who stared at him intrigued. He returned her stare with a regretful expression, but then in just a sudden flash there was an apologetic look in his eyes and then everything played before her eyes. Once she took it in she stared back at him with a serious look. She knew that they were going about it all wrong.

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