Lovely Battle

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"Uranus I-" she said but stopped when she saw her lover and...


"Neptune" Gaia questioned staring at her dear friend who held a dark clouded look in her eye.

Uranus stared at her once beloved goddess with pure annoyance. Over the years due to Gaia being trapped she's grown lonely and hurt especially jealous. Jealous of Endymion who visited her everyday and still tried to look for their children while all Uranus wanted was her lover back. Just her. She blamed all that lost time with Gaia on the children. And that kiss that she saw with Endymion was her breaking point. She felt betrayed and lonelier than ever. And so she wanted to make Gaia understand what she put her through, with her inner darkness possessing her.

Uranus smirked at Gaia wrapping her arm seductively around Neptune as they fell in through the mirror. Gaia knee she had to find them, but she wouldn't know where that portal led to so she ran out of the palace, tripping along the way so she spread out her wings... and flapped. She soared through the large enchanting halls of Crystal Tokyo's palace and out into the open air heading straight to Nymphea Kingdom where everyone was at. Upon arriving her people noticed her and cheered knowing that their ruler has been freed. She filled in everyone on the current situation and to search for Uranus and Neptune and report back to her if they find her. She warned them to be careful not knowing what's gotten into her lover and to be honest she's quite frightened for her safety and her people.

"Mom..." Dusk called surprising her out of her thoughts, she smiled to her gently while the twins, Endymion, (Small) Lady and even Deman circled her.

"Is everything going to be alright with mom" Dawn asked worried for her mother. Gaia wasn't sure how to answer because even she didn't understand the situation much. Other than she felt a dark aura surrounding Uranus's heart. The silence made Dawn worried as she finally looked up to Helios who wouldn't even once state in her direction. She wanted to feel her embrace him. She wanted that emotion support for him. But it seems that he's just as disappointed in her as everyone else is.

Before anyone could even process it the winds current knocked everyone off their feet. The current was like a smack in the face that it caused Gaia to let go of her staff which Helios had luckily caught. He quickly held it out for Gaia which she quickly took and smacked her wings down along with the end of her staff calming the wind. She knew who had caused and wished that this wasn't happening, but either way she stared up at the sky to lock eyes with none other than Uranus, Solider of the Heavens.

"Why" Gaia's loud voice rang through the air "why are you doing this? What has led you to act like this?! Speak to me Uranus!"

Uranus glared down at her. She was mad that she didn't understand what she put her through all those years without her. Going through all the depressed days alone trying to figure out a way to save her from that casket.

"... I will have you feel every sort of misery I felt" Uranus said barely above a whisper her voice cracking, but Gaia caught it. What sort of suffering was her lover experiencing that is making her act irrationally Gaia wondered "starting now." Her words held an icy tone at the end as she snapped her hands and Neptune suddenly raised the water from all the waterfalls and then drowned all of Nymphea Kingdoms grounds.

Gaia immediately stared at the scene petrified but then took action holding her staff in front of her and pointing it in front. She began circling her staff above her as all the water slowly lifted. The weight was taking a troll on her, but she pushed on. Neptune was about to go in and attack her, but Sara stepped in just in time and kicked her back. The Nathre Guardians stood protectively around their dearest friend.

My Dearly Beloved Sailor Uranus // BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now