Chapter 19

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True to his word, it took two hours to get my hair sorted. Even though it took four pairs of hands to get through it.

For the first thirty minutes or so, it was only Delu, who I dubbed 'The Gentle Giant'. She was quite friendly but also quiet except for the small nudging here and there.

'Turn to me please."

"Lean to the left, thanks."

"Can you bow your head a little for me, please? Very nice."

I swear, her small soothing voice could have charmed me into giving her my most prized possessions. And her hands were so gentle, I barely felt them at all. But work was being done, I could tell as I could see in the mirror the dreadlocks undone.

Silently, I bid each dreadlock in my mind, goodbye, one by one. It was kinda sad I admit.

Mrs Lee and Amako, who I kinda labelled "The Dwarf", came a few minutes after to join the race against time. And all together they were a legendary combo.  Their quick hands were the ideal competitors; moving at speeds incomparable with only brief breaks when coming spritz some water to loosen a stubborn knot.

Circe got bored at just staring at them doing my hair so I had some mercy on her to try her hand at a few. But too many cooks spoil the broth, so a few yelps of pain and a disturbingly large clump of hair later, Circe was put on sweeping duty, much to my relief.

The rest of the procession went smoothly after that. We talked and laughed in between. Cupcake Wars was showing on our side of the salon so I got a full dose of their personalities. Delu was always drooling in awe every time the cupcakes were displayed, Amako cracked feisty jokes at the competitor's efforts that nearly had me in tears and Ms Lee would curse along with the competitors when something went wrong.

They were quite an interesting bunch, I tell you.

When my hair had been fully washed and towel-wrapped, the three sisters decided to take a well-deserved break before tackling Part 2 of Mission Nearly Baldy.

Talon had yet to show up.

He was taking an extraordinarily long time to show up so I think I was justified to feel a little worried. But Circe and MB didn't seem to worry too much so I kept quiet.

"I'm telling you Amako, the French Guy is gonna get through this round," Mrs Lee argues as she dries her hands with a towel. "He used the avocado perfectly this time! Pure genius!"

"Pshhh, oh please Eniola!" Amako rolls her eyes complemented with a long sucking of teeth. "Frosting? That's the best he could come up with? A donkey could come up with a better idea!"

"I'm sure it still tastes good," murmurs Delu, who I'm certain is still daydreaming about it.

"I give him till second round; tops," comments Amako, dropping herself in a beanbag chair in the corner and starting to file her nails.

MB's mother shakes her head still determined to prove a point. "Bet ya ten bucks that he will not only pass second round but will win altogether!"

Abako quirks an eyebrow at her glances to Delu and then back again at Mrs Lee with smuggish kind of smile playing on her lips. Her eyes squint at her mischievously with challenge. "Some people never learn," she sighs, looking back to her task of filing her nails. "Delu, you wanna bet too?"

Delu shakes her head vigorously. "Nu-uh. Not me again. I almost had to get a loan to settle the last debt. Count me out!" And she rushes off somewhere to rescue herself.

Abako blows on her nails. "See Eniola? If Delu can learn, why can't you? How many times do you have to lose to me to get the message? You can't win at this!"

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