Chapter 12

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"Wake up! Get up, Vesper!"

Somebody is roughly nudging me awake. I don't know why, but I don't want to find out. I bring the blanket closer to my chin. My toes shiver at the thoughtless sacrifice.

"GET UP!!" they yell, this time sounding further away. Maybe in the kitchen. Maybe outside. Maybe on the moon. Really, I don't care. Like; at all.

 A racket in the kitchen starts, making me lose all hope in finishing my dreamless slumber."What's this mess?! Have you been making something?!"

I had to get up at that. Didn't this person get the memo that I was dragging tired and dog sick?! Apparently not. My mom wouldn't know. Through my squinted eyes, I do nothing but stare at my noisy mother in a daze. Her usual flax straight hair is curled into bouncy waves, and her irritated blue eyes complimented well by her makeup. Contact's too; I'm guessing. Something tells me she is going out again. No surprise. "Where to?"

"Somewhere," she says harshly as she sweeps all Talon's used wares into the sink; her tone is enough warning that I shouldn't pry. Where is that boy by the way?

But let's all please remember; I'm pretty stubborn. "Location?"

She stops abruptly and glares at me fixedly. "I said somewhere didn't I? Apparently, a certain genius still hasn't understood the basic rules  in the family."

Whatever is left of my mood sours, convincing me that today I simply can't win and live with her. "We should talk."

"I don't need to explain anything to you. Know your place."

"In the dark?"

She just scowls at me and I avert my eyes; too sick and fed up to wake up to crap. Truth to be told, I'm feeling slightly better. Nose still stuffy and voice still raspy but my headache is gone. It is only then I notice a certain pair of sneakers under the slight bulge in our curtain.

'When he reaches that bridge, he'll cross it' he says.

'Don't worry' he says.

Brilliant plan, Talon.

"Look at this mess!" she throws her hands in the air exasperated, "You really should start cleaning up after yourself."

I do. And I clean up after you too, by the way.

She rants for a while before she leaves. Talon then comes out from behind the curtain with a sheepish look to my annoyed face.

"Traitorous wimp."

"Don't be like that, Feisty." He moves to hug me but I slip away. Chivalry is as dead as a doornail.

I'm not really mad at him though. The cookies are smelling pretty good from the oven. Hopefully he hasn't mixed up any other ingredients while I was asleep. Like chocolate chips and raisins.

I swear if a shred of aged grape only graze my teeth, I'm gonna-

"We need to talk about that problem." Talon sighs, "And find a plan too."

A lump suddenly sits in my throat, knowing exactly what problem he is talking about. My toes grab the blanket again; my neck exposed to the cold. "We have to call Circe and MB first."

"No need."

Circe descends down the stairs with Latte in her arms and MB following behind her, his eyes glued to his phone. "We're already here."

"I called them while you were asleep," Talon answers my unspoken question. "Now, let's get down to business-"

"-TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!", finished Circe.

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