Oh No- He's cute.

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After their 4th hour, both John and Thomas came to retrieve James who was already talking to another guy. Not flirting per se, just smiling and talking. James turned his head to see Thomas and John, smiling and waving them over. "Guys, this is another friend that I just made. A-"

"Aaron Burr- I know." John and Thomas said in unison. "He's also an acquaintance of mine." John said with a smile.

"Well. That makes it easier on me. We are going to Lunch now right?" John nodded and he smiled, waking over and Aaron did the same.

"I was wondering if you'd like to eat with some friends and I. They always go out and get a huge bag of McDonalds and there's always extra." John chuckled.

"nO- No. He's sitting with me."

"He can decide that."

"I'm not sitting next to...him"

"You don't have too, you don't even have to come sit with us." John replied with an evil grin.

"I wanna sit next to him though!"

"That sounds like a personal problem."

"Why not- why can't we all sit with Johns friends?" James asked.

"He doesn't...get along with one of them."

"Of course. Thomas, pleaseeee."

"Fine." James smiles in victory and turned to John, who just grinned and winked back.


They made it to the table where John and his friends sat, and John introduced James- everyone else knew of Thomas.

"Wait- so if you've lived here your whole life, then why haven't we seen you at school." Mulligan asked.

"I was homeschooled since the third grade."

"Damn really?"

"Yeah." He chuckled, eating a fry. "I didn't like it, but at least I get to now."

"I'm glad you did. Or else, I wouldn't have the privilege of knowing ya' sweetheart." Alex butted in with a wink.

"Well I guess it's your lucky day then huh, Lexi." He said back with a grin.

"Damn. Alex just got out witted." Hercules chuckled. "Give it up for the new cutie." Jefferson rolled his eyes, sighing quite loudly.

"What's wrong with you, Mr. party pooper." Alex said with a smirk

"You guys are stealing my best friend! Mine."

"Thomas! You're overreacting. I'm just making new friends, that's all, and I'm not 'yours'.. It's not like we are dating-" and with that, Thomas got up and stormed off. James was getting up to follow him, when John grabbed his hand.

"It's okay- just give him a bit.." James just nodded and sat down, continuing to smile and laugh with them.

*+Few day time skip+*

"He's fucking adorable."

"I know." John agreed with Hercules, chuckling. They all were at Johns house, having one of their hang out days. "I know damn sure we all want him."

"Okay- I have a plan." That's when they all peep in and listen. "We all gotta ask him out right? Whoever he likes the most- is who he's sure to go with more."

"What if he agrees to all of us?"

"We just gotta make sure he has a good time. He's nice enough not to lead us on. If he doesn't like us, he'll say so."

"True-" Alex agreed. "Okay. I call taking him to the movies, my idea, nobody can steal that!"

"I'll take him to the mall." Hercules said with a smirk.

John bit his lip. "I- Uh... I don't know. I'll figure it out but once I do, I'll tell ya. And I'll make sure it's not what you guys pick." He chuckled. "No hate rule. No matter who he picks."


"Sounds like a plan."

"Alrighty then... let's go get us a cutie."

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