Woah- three dates?!

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Alex got to him first, gently grabbing his hand as he walking near him. As soon as James turned, Alexander smirked and kissed his hand. "Hello. I had a question."

James just nodded politely, smiling a bit. "Go on.."

"Let me take you out to the movies tomorrow." Alex said quickly. "You know, as a date? 8 P.m. My treat."

".....like- like a real date? Like you're- interested in me..?" James asked quizzically.

"Yeah, Yeah I am." Alex chuckled.

"Oh Alex. I'm flattered. Of course I will. One condition-"


"If this-" he gestured to them. "Doesn't work out. We still have to be friends. I don't it to ruin us."

"Of course." James smiled at that and leaned in to peck his cheek.

"I'm off to class. See you later Alexander." He slightly purred at his name, and whether he meant to do it or not- Alex was about to melt into a puddle right there as he watched the said man walk off.


Next to steal the beautiful boy for a date was Hercules. He walked up to him, right before a lecture. "Mads, hey."

"Hello to you too, Mulligan." He smiled. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"I was hoping the pleasure would be mine. For you to accompany me to the mall sometime this weekend? Just you and I?"

"As in... a date?"


James smiled fondly again. He was to nice to say no. Plus, why not. "Sounds like a plan, though, not tomorrow at night- Alexander already asked to take me to the movies." He said.

"Mhm. How about before the movies? No doubt it's gonna be at the mall movie theater."

"True. I'll tell Alex I'll meet him there. Thank you Hercules."

"Thank you."


And lastly... John. They were eating lunch away from the others, behind the school and in a tree.

"Hey, Maddy?"

"Yeah freckles?"

"Can I take you out on a date this weekend?"

"You're shitting me."

John was taken back but that statement, was that- a bad response? James was still slightly smiling. "No- no I am not."

"Sorry, it's just.. both Alex and Herc have asked me as well. I don't.. quite understand- is this a set up?" John chuckled and shook his head.

"You're quite the attractive one, sweetheart."

"Whatever you say Laurens."


"...I'd love to. Where?"

"That- my dear.. is a surprise."

"What!?" James yelled a smiled still on his face. "Both Herc and Alexander told me where they are taking me."

"Am I Herc or Alexander?"

"Touché" James laughed and looked over at him. "Don't tell the others, but I'm really looking forward to our date."

"I'm flattered."

"You should be..."

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