Chapter Five

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Logan left the prisoner's area with a full head of questions and an incomplete puzzle in his mind. This new case challenged everything he knew throughout his entire career. Not only was the case about the man he had been hunting for years, who was now dead. But also, Damion taught his goons all he knew, so his old goons are just as sly and tricky as Damion was. So there was no way anyone was going to be able to question anymore of Damion's goons again.

Virgil seemed different than the others he had had encounters with though. He didn't seem loyal to Damion nor did he seem to join Damion's group of goons by choice. What was Virgil's story?Logan's mind was buzzing with possibilities and questions. He took a detour from his office and stopped at Patton's desk.

Logan leaned his arms into it and quietly waited for Patton, who was currently on the phone. Logan's mind was still swarming with things about Virgil. He was curious about his scar and what he meant by, 'Damion's plaything.' He wanted to help him, he wanted to insure Virgil's protection. He would stop at nothing to make sure of that.

"Logan? Logan?!" Patton waved his hand in front of Logan's face with an unsure look. Logan blinked a few times before shaking his head and clearing his throat.

"Sorry, Patton. It's just been a busy day." Logan answered his brother's troubled face. Patton nodded nervously and faced his body towards Logan.

"That's fine. What's up?" Patton asked.

"I need Damion Lye's criminal report. Do you still have it?" Patton's eyes widened at Logan's need.

"Damion Lye? Didn't you hear the news? He was murdered!"

"Yes, I heard. I just need to keep adding to my notes about him." Logan said, nervously tapping his fingers on his bother's desk. Patton raised his eyebrows, a question surrounding his mind.

"W-What?" Patton chuckled. "Why keep taking notes on a dead guy? Besides, I thought Roman had you on the new criminal's case."

"What, no!" Logan shot back. "I don't want that case. I'm already busy enough with Damion's shit. I need to keep my head clear. I was only doing Roman a favor."

Patton nodded and rolled his chair over to his filing cabinet. He rummaged through the top drawer where the G's through P's last names would be. Logan looked around the police station while he waited. He released a breath of tension he didn't even know he was holding. Why was he nervous? Maybe it was about Virgil. But, that's impossible. Virgil could've committed a crime. Logan couldn't like him.

The police station was packed but that hardly grabbed his attention. Coming out of the criminal questioning room, guided by Roman, was Virgil being pushed towards the cells. The muzzle was back around his mouth and the cuffs on his hands seemed even tighter.

Logan's hands turned to fists. He went to take a step forward but the sound of the file cabinet shutting broke his thoughts. "Here you are, Logan. One Damion Lye criminal report." Patton handed the file to Logan who took it graciously.

"Thank you, Patton" Logan said nodding to his brother. A thought popped into Logan's head. He turned back to talk to Patton he was already back on the phone. Logan hoped he and Remy were doing better. Hopefully Patton took Emile's advice.

Logan climbed the long fight up the stairs to his office. When he got to the second floor, he saw Roman and the other two officers from the questioning room outside the chief's office. They seemed deep into conversation and Logan couldn't hear anything from it. Logan shrugged it off and made his move to his office.

"Logan, hold up!" Roman called after him. Logan only had one foot in his office door. He poked his head out at Roman. He waved Logan over with his hand with a excited look dawning his face. Logan dripped with nervous beads of sweat. He tucked Damion's file under his arm and proceeded to the chief's office.

Chief officer Thomas, had an office very similar to Logan's. It was small and had many pictures coating the walls. There was an open chair across from his senior. Logan took the seat and nervously looked back at the other officers. They were all smiling, seeming to be happy for Logan. What was going on?

"Detective Sanders." Thomas spoke. Logan whipped his head around. Thomas' hands were wrapped together, sat on his desk. He leaned further into the desk, making direct eye contact with Logan who was afraid to break the eye contact.

"I've been told by the officers behind you, that you were able to talk with the newest prisoner. Is that true?"

"Yes, sir." Logan responded. He fiddled with Damion's file.

"Well, turns out, you were the only he'd talk to. And because of that, I'm putting you as the detective of his case." Thomas finished. Logan was at a lose for words. He stared at Thomas with a slightly open mouth. Thomas smiled, "Speechless, are we?"

"S-Sir, you know how important Damion's case is to me." Logan protested. Thomas sighed and nodded his head.

"I do, Sanders. But you have to let that go. You've worked on that case for 5 years. Surely you want a break from Mr. Lye."

Logan shook his head and stood from his chair. Everyone in the room watched his movements, like he was about to break something. "I'm sorry, Chief. But my answer, is no." Logan swallowed his nerves and awaited Thomas' answer. Thomas looked back to Roman and jerked his head to the side. Him and the other officers left the room, shutting the door. Logan hesitantly sat back down.

Thomas stood up and loomed over his desk, getting closer to Logan. "You understand that YOU, Logan, are the only one that prisoner will talk to right?" Logan nodded, chills filling his back. "We have gotten nothing else out of him. So, I'll rephrase my question. Take this new case or else, I have to let you go."

Logan sucked in a cold breath, his eyes frozen in shock. Thomas wouldn't...Thomas couldn't. But, Logan knew Thomas was desperate for this. Logan nodded his head and extended his hand, "I'll take the case, sir."

Thomas took his hand with a smile. "Thank you, Logan." He stood from his chair and left the room, heading back to his office. He still had Damion's file under his arm. A file, he intended to keep.

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