Chapter Six

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The end of the day came quicker than Logan expected. It seemed like only seconds ago, his job was being threatened. Logan could barely believe he took this new case. He shouldn't have cracked under the pressure of losing his job. Damion's case was everything to him. Even though he was dead now, Logan could still try to figure out what he was planning.

And then, there was Virgil. Someone who kept creeping into Logan's thoughts, even if he didn't want to admit it. He really wanted to help Virgil, but not at the cost of his job.

Logan was jerked away from his thoughts by a knock on his office door. He moved his head up, just being able to see over the computer's screen. In the doorway was Patton with a bright smile and his bag launched over his shoulder. "Almost done, Lo?" Patton asked. Logan looked back down at his screen. He was working on Damion's case. He knew he shouldn't be, but he couldn't let it go.

"Yes, one second Pat." Logan assured him. Patton nodded and stepped out, waiting for his brother to pack. Logan did, picking up Damion's file and Virgil's file he just received. He wrapped his coat around him, turned off his computer, and made his way to the door, shutting and locking it behind him. Patton and Logan worked their way downstairs quickly. The station was quiet, no one else was out here. The only other people that should be here, are the guards in the prisoner's quarters.

They reached the front door which Patton locked up for the night and rounded the building to the parking lot. "So." Patton said, innocently. "I heard Thomas gave you a new case!" Patton cheered.

"Yes, it seems he did." Logan huffed, rolling his eyes. He didn't want to sound ungrateful, but that's exactly what he was. He didn't need a new case. He was already so far along with the old one. Patton clued into his brother's face.

"Logan, you have to leave Damion Lye in the past. Maybe this new case will be good for you."

"Or maybe it'll just distract me."

"Change is always a good thing, though."

"Is it?" Logan questioned. "It's like, Thomas doesn't care that Damion's gang is still loose in Gainsville! Does he not care!"

"He cares, Logan. But he also cares about you and your sanity. Working on the same case for 5 years puts high stress on you. Don't deny it!" Patton stepped in front of his brother, making them both stop. Logan looked into Patton's round eyes, guilt and uneasy filling his nature. "I think, you should be happy that you have a new case. New case means new opportunities."

An idea crossed Logan's mind. Virgil worked for Damion. And if Virgil was his new case, than he could use Virgil to fill in the missing pieces in Damion's case. A smile dawned Logan's face but he put the idea in the back of his mind for now and simply nodded to Patton. "Maybe, you're right."

"About time you said that." Patton beamed. Logan looked at the parking lot, his gut sank.

"Patton, where is your car?" Logan said in a panicked tone. Patton sighed sadly and looked up at his brother.

"Do you have time to go out for dinner? We can talk more then." Logan nodded and dug his keys out of his deep pocket. They made their way to Logan's old car and got inside. Logan pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road. Logan glanced at Patton who was checking his phone.

"I assume you wanted to go to the best place in Florida, right Patton?" Logan smirked. Patton's face lit up with glee as he looked to his brother. Patton nodded happily as they continued down the road, pulling into a small diner near the highway.

Once inside the diner, they were seated quickly. The waitress handed them menus which read in large letters, The Waffle House. Patton opened his menu, licking his lips at the very thought of their delicious waffles.

Logan ordered a decaf coffee and a veggie omelet while Patton order hot chocolate and a waffle stack. The waitress took the menus and left them to chat. Patton fidgeted with his napkin before addressing the elephant in the room. "So, I talked with Remy last night. I told him how I felt and he really wasn't happy. He wrecked the place before packing his stuff, taking the car and leaving."

"Patton, that was the car grandfather gave you for your 18th birthday!" Logan responded. Patton nodded sadly.

"I know. But at this point, I rather not make a big deal out of it. He's gone and I'm so happy he is. Thank you for taking me to Emile last night." Logan nodded, happy that he could've helped his brother.

"You said he, 'wrecked the place'?" Logan questioned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to hire someone to clean it. I-uh, also need a new couch." Patton said, rubbing his neck.

"Why's that?"

"He ripped up the old one with a kitchen knife." Patton chuckled awkwardly. The waitress came with their meals. You could tell they were fresh off the stove as the warm steam was still floating off of it. Patton loaded the syrup on and ate up. Logan minded his manners a bit more as he took small bites.

They didn't really speak to each other as they ate. Just enjoying each others' company as well as their food. When they were done, Logan had eaten more than half of his omelet while Patton ate 3 out of the 4 waffles given to him. The waitress came back around with the check.

Logan almost had his card fully out of his pocket when Patton quietly slipped money onto the table. Logan looked at Patton, kind of stunned. "P-Please Patton, this was my treat." Logan insisted. Patton rolled his eyes playfully.

"Can I not do one nice thing for you, Lo?" Patton asked. Logan slipped his card back into his wallet and the waitress took the money. "Besides," Patton said, finishing his thought. "It's your birthday."

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