Chapter Seven

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Logan walked into work the next morning with a good feeling about the day. After dropping Patton off at his apartment last night, Logan went home and got straight to work on the rough draft of Virgil's case. He also started to put more thought into his plan on how to get information about Damion from Virgil. He'd have to use his words carefully as Virgil seemed to have PTSD from his time with Damion. However, Logan believed his plan was foolproof.

He had his two files under his arms, pouring himself of cup of coffee. The smirk on his face was growing wider the more his cup filled of the energy stimulating liquid. Once filled, he proceeded up the stairs to his office. He unlocked his office door and made his way to his old, wooden desk. He placed his coffee cup down and took a seat in his chair, starting up his computer after a night of rest.

He couldn't believe he was excited to start this new case. The idea of possibly being able to wrap up Damion's case once and for all made a smile slither up his face. The computer being to glow with life, Logan typed in his password and entered his work case schedule for the day.

Thomas had Logan set up to question Virgil again before his first court hearing the next day. Logan sipped his hot coffee, coming up with questions in his mind for Virgil. Both about his case and about Damion.

He set his coffee down and opened Virgil's file, reading deeper into everything he could.

Name: Virgil A. Black. DOB: 12/19/1989. Hair Color: Purple (Dyed). Eye Color: Dark Brown.

Logan wasn't too focused on his physical description though, his background caught his eye.

Claims to be kidnapped at age 15 by Damion Lye. Has been admitted to hospital many times for broken bones, cut open skin, bruises, and psychological damage. Has Anxiety and Depression as well as trust issues.

Logan's heart dropped slightly. The fact that he is trying to use Virgil to get more information about Damion. He mentally destroyed Virgil! There is no way Virgil will give up any information now. Logan pondered for a long minute. He revised his plan in his head. He was going to have to help Virgil to the very best of his ability to gain his trust. It was a cruel plan, but Logan knew it could work.

"You ready, Logan?" Roman said from the doorway. Logan's head shot up from his computer, Roman's sudden presence startled him a little. Logan nodded and stood up. He followed Roman down the stairs and into the cell room. Logan hated it in there. Everyone the police ever caught were in here. Some were scary, some were murderers, some were just crazy.

Logan's posture shrunk in fear, he didn't understand how Roman could stand fearless against the criminals. They stopped at a cell with three men inside it. Their names were listed on the cell's bars but the only one the mattered to Logan, was Virgil's.

Logan couldn't see Virgil in the cell, he could only see the other two men looming over something. Something that was shaking and whimpering in fear. "HEY!" Roman shouted at the men. They turned around and Logan could clearly see Virgil was the quivering thing on the floor. He had blood running from his nose and tears flooding from his eyes. "Corners of the room, men! Black, you're coming with us!" Roman commanded. The other two men did as told, trudging to the corners of the cell while Virgil struggled to get up.

Once he did, he limped to the cell door that Roman unlocked. Roman grabbed Virgil's arm roughly and slammed the cell door shut. Virgil jumped in fear, using the sleeves of his jumpsuit to dry his face. "Your stay here will be extended if I catch that happening again!" Roman hollered at the other two.

With that, they walked out of the cell chamber and into the questioning room. Roman threw Virgil inside the dull and gray room while Logan walked in behind. The door to the room was shut which left Virgil and Logan together, with a table and the mirror side to the one way mirror.

"Why don't we have a seat, Virgil." Logan suggested. Virgil nodded, rubbing his hands together nervously. He rounded the table and took a seat, Logan taking the seat across from him. Logan sighed, "Are you okay?"

"W-What?" Virgil mumbled.

"You seem to have taken a pretty bad beating from those animals. Are you okay?" Virgil shrugged and sniffled. The blood that was once pouring from his nose was dried and one with his skin like a tattoo.

"I have some more questions for you, Virgil. Are you okay to answer them?" Logan asked. Virgil just nodded, his eyes were glued to the floor. "I need you to tell me everything you can about the night Damion was murdered." Virgil's eyes darted up to meet Logan's. His eyes read memories he wished he could forget. He swallowed a thick lump in his throat, searching for his words.

"Damion went out one night after a bank heist. He and his boyfriend-"

"Who is his boyfriend?" Logan interrupted.

"R-Remus." Virgil paused. "I-I don't know his last name, I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry. Please continue."

"Um, Damion and Remus went to feast in their bedroom while we feasted in the main room. Damion came out of his room and said he was going for some fresh air. We didn't question it, he usually does at the end of the night anyway. After a few hours, Remus demanded I go and find him. I went looking around some places I knew he liked to walk. I turned a corner down an alley to find him on the ground with blood trailing from his mouth!

"The police must've been following me because all of the sudden, their headlights were blaring in my face. They arrested me without any questioned asked." Virgil wiped away new forming tears. Logan listened with a blank stare. One thing was clear to Logan.

"You didn't kill him, did you?" Logan asked. Virgil shook his head. Perhaps this case was going to go by faster than he thought.

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