💋Mad Love All Over Again!💋

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Dr. Harrison Hale has been talking to the Clown Princess of Gotham: Jester or as he now knew as Y/n M/n Quinzel for months on end. He was falling in love with her from her smiles, her giggles and her personality how it could be sweet and innocent to insane and potentially dangerous. "I got something for you, Jest." Harrison said as he pulled a red rose from his coat towards the psycho girl. "Aw, Muffin how sweet of you.~" She leaned over the table in a new straight jacket to smell the rose bud before kissing his cheek lightly. "I'd like you to do something for me, Stud muffin?" She asked with a smile and a flirtatious wink. "What do you want Jest? I'll get anything for you." He said lovestruck while looking at her e/c eyes and beautiful smile. "I need a few machine guns and some help getting a few people inside of here." Y/n's smile widened as Harrison nodded and placed the thornless rose behind her ear.

" Y/n's smile widened as Harrison nodded and placed the thornless rose behind her ear

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Later that Night!

Machine guns fired all over Arkham Asylum prison taking out all the guards and personnel staff while freeing the inmates. Poison Ivy bond Dr. Harrison Hale to an electric therapy table as Harley Quinn and Joker looked down at him. "This is the boy you told us bout Red? He's so cute isn't he Puddin' perfect for our little princess?" Harley said giddily with a smile as Y/n walked out the back room dressed in her Jester attire minus her shirt corset handing it to her mother as she leaned over Harrison as he saw purple and green lace bra splattered in fresh red blood. "Hiya Harry oh, why so serious huh?~" She asked while running her black gloved hands through her newly dyed green hair with red tips. "Why are you doing this Jest? I did everything you said and asked of me." Jester sighed before placing her hand on his lips. "Shh, shh I'm a psychopath Harry but I'm not going to kill ya. No I'm just gonna hurt ya really, really badly.~" she said while holding up a green ball gag in her right hand. "I can take whatever your going to do Jest." Harrison said before he opened up his mouth as Jester placed the ball gag in his mouth then began using the shock therapy equipment on high onto Dr. Harrison Hale as he screamed through the gag. After hours of shocking high volts throughout Harrison's brain he became more obsessed with Y/n Quinzel no...Jester, his Jest, his Cupcake and his alone. Jester left him at Arkham Asylum in her red sports car with her mark on it only for Harrison to follow after her on a motorcycle he got from killing a guard of the Asylum.

Jester slammed onto her brakes and glared at Harrison. "Your not leaving me. YOUR NOT LEAVING ME!!" He yelled out loud as he slammed his hands onto the front of her car. "You...you, you,your a pain in the ass!" Jester hissed as she got out of her car and slammed the door shut before Harrison walked towards her held hands in his own. "I've done everything you asked of me, I've never disappointed you and proved that I love you so much Jest. Why can't you see that?" He questioned as Jester sighed softly before removing her hands from his and ran them through her hair. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I got it Stud Muffin but I've got a plan ya see...Doctor and you're not part of it." Jester said as Harrison caressed her face gently in his hands. "Jester please just let me in! I won't hurt you I promise!" He yelled begging as Jester rolled her eyes at him. "Oh, Promise? Promise?!" Jester said while laughing as an angry trucker got out of his truck. "HEY, DICK!" Harrison glared at the Trucker. "WHY DON'T YOU YELL AT YOUR BITCH SOMEWHERE ELSE!" Harrison took one of Jester's pistols from her arm holster and shot the man directly between the eyes. Jester looked over at the fresh kill before looking up at Harrison with her pistol smoking in his hand. "Oh! That was bad get in the car Stud Muffin." She said with a smile on her face as she blew the smoke off of her gun and placed it back into it's holster then drove Harrison and herself to the Ace Chemical Company.

Jester walked up about a good twenty feet of the factory with Harrison holding her hand

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Jester walked up about a good twenty feet of the factory with Harrison holding her hand. "This vat of toxic chemicals made my Daddy, Momma and myself whom we are today along with an oath." She said while massaging Harrison's shoulders as he looked at the large number of vats filled with chemicals. "Question Harrison." Jester asked as Harrison looked over at her as she rested her head onto his shoulder. "Would you die for me?" Jester looked up into Harrison's blue eyes as he looked down at her. "Yes." He said as Jester stepped back thinking. "No, no too easy. Would you live for me, hmm?" Jester rubbed her hand across Harrison's cheek. "Yes." He said as he gently kissed the palm of her hand. "Careful, Don't say this oath thoughtlessly." She said honestly before leaning Harrison towards her as their foreheads touched. "Desire becomes surrender. Surrounder becomes power. You want this?" She questioned while kissing his cheek lightly. "I do please." Harrison said while kissing her cheek lovingly. "Aw, your so good.~ Fall into the chemicals and I'll catch you Stud Muffin.~" Jester said with a seductive smile on her lips as she watched Harrison walk towards the ledge then back at her with an equal smile before free falling down into the vat full of chemicals. Jester looked over the edge with a amused smirk before walking a few steps away til memories of Harrison's sweetness and love towards her throughout her time in Arkham Asylum flashed through her brain growling as she turned around and removed her jacket then jumped off of the ledge and into the chemicals as she swam towards Harrison then carried him to the top as their clothes were melting away along the colors swimming in the chemicals red and green. Jester looked at Harrison seeing he wasn't waking up, his skin was bleached like her own family's yet his deep blonde hair was a bit lighter. "Need a kiss from a princess to wake up my prince, no my Harlequin. My Harry." Jester said before kissing him passionately on the lips while breathing into his lungs thus waking him up. Harry smiled up at Jester as he leaned up and kissed her back just as passionately but rougher til she leaned back laughing insanely along with him kissing her neck.

Later in Jester's Hideout in Gotham's Abandoned Fairgrounds a bit farther from her parents luxurious home

Jester sighed softly on her bed as she looked up at her new partner in crime, her lover, her own Harlequin and Stud Muffin: Harrison Hale, Harry Diamonds. Harry smiled down at Jester before leaning down and kissing her neck passionately before biting her collarbone. "I love ya, Jest. My sweet Cupcake." He growled as she giggled sweetly at him before tackling him onto the mattress on his back. "Prove ya love me, Harry.~" She whispered in his ear that he grabbed her hips tightly and laughed. "Gladly Cupcake, I'm going rock your world.~" He growled deeply before pulling her down into a rough kiss before delivering the proof his Jester asked for all throughout the night.

~" He growled deeply before pulling her down into a rough kiss before delivering the proof his Jester asked for all throughout the night

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(Collar would say Cupcake instead of Puddin' and would have green side dyed instead of blue along with deep red)

Jokes On You, Batsy! Joker's and Harley's Daughter: Jester, (Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now