The Day's Before

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~Heather's POV~

I smiled as Jack came into my view. I was leaving my English class and saw him leaning up against the building, waiting for me so we could go to lunch together before he had to go to his microbiology class. My smile faltered and I sighed as a small group of girls were trying to surround him and question him about his relationship status or try and get his number. They just couldn't handle the fact that he had a girlfriend. Sometimes, I guess it wasn't such a good thing to be dating one of the more popular kids.

Though, the bright smile he gave me as he saw me walk out the building, and practically push his way through the girls to get me, made me feel better. I knew he wouldn't be with me if he didn't mean it. I smiled and hugged his arm before walking towards the campus' cafeteria, feeling the angry and pissed off glares being thrown my way by the girls. I ignored them and focused on just being beside Jack.

"So what time does your class end again, Jack?" I asked, trying to figure out how much time I had to get what I had planned ready. He just rolled his eyes at me before ruffling my hair.

"You're so forgetful," he joked, "I get out at six thirty." I huffed and smoothed my hair back before crossing my arms and turning away from him slightly.

"I am not," I replied, only to feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"Then why do you keep asking when I get out of class?" he questioned, turning me to face him. I couldn't help but smile up at him.

"Because I'm hoping you have your class cancelled so you can spend more time with me. You know how needy I am," I joked, "It's what made you fall in love with me. It was either that or my ass." He laughed and shook his head before sliding his hand into mine and kissing my forehead.

"If you must know," he started, "It was your stubbornness and your cute kitten sneezes that made me love you so much." I sighed and hung my head. I'm never going to live down my sneezes, am I? I questioned in my head and if he sensed what I was thinking, replied. "No, no you're not." He chuckled again as we walked into the cafeteria and grabbed a plate of food, before sitting down beside some of his friends.

Since I was fairly new to college, and none of my friends went here, I had yet to make any real new friends. Though, Jack introduced me to some of his friends who were pretty nice and accepted me right away. I guess after spending a year here and being told so much about me, they couldn't help but accept me. So I guess that made them my friends, which I was happy to have.


I smiled as I finished wrapping a gift for Jack with a few minutes to spare before he got out of class. I had went out and got us a small cake for our anniversary and got him a book he's been wanting. It's not much, but then again, we didn't really do much in the way of present's or events. Just a few presents for our birthday's or Christmas was enough for us. We were just happy being in each other's presence.

After a minute or two of trying to get everything together, there was a knock at my door. I walked over to it and looked through the peep hole, seeing Jack standing there, with his arms behind his back. I smiled and practically flew the door open and hugged him, nearly knocking him over. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me before we let go and walked into my room.

"It's not much," Jack started as he smiled at me before handing me some red, white, and pink roses. "But I know how much you like flowers."

"Jack," I started, "they're lovely, thank you. I got you something too," I smiled as I took the flowers and turned to put them into something. I found an empty cup I was using for water and put them in that before putting them into my windowsill before grabbing his present and walking back over to him. Though, I froze as I saw Jack down on one knee. "You aren't-"

He took a deep breath before speaking. "I am," he smiled, holding a small box out in front of him. I raised the present in my hands to cover my face and smiled while tears formed in my eyes as he spoke. "We've been dating for three years now and we've been friends for even longer than that, so I wanted to know if you would want to spend the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?" he opened the small box to show a small silver ring with a sapphire in the shape of a heart.

 Will you marry me?" he opened the small box to show a small silver ring with a sapphire in the shape of a heart

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"Of course!" I said jumping on him and making him fall over laughing. We smiled at each other and shared a long, passionate kiss before pulling apart and sitting up. I held my hand out so he could put the ring on my finger before wrapping my arms around his neck. "You know what this calls for?" I questioned.

"A picture?" he replied, already knowing the answer. I nodded and got up before walking over to my bookshelf and pulling down the small Polaroid camera and sitting beside him on my bed. I snuggled into his chest and held up my hand as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, before taking a picture of the two of us.

I waited a minute or two before the picture developed before getting up and walking over to the cork board above my desk. About three fourths of it was covered in pictures of me and Jack while the rest of it had note cards, pinned sheet music, and a few important dates for school. I pinned the picture next to the other hundred or so pictures before smiling, setting the camera down, and sitting beside Jack.

"Now open my present," I smiled, hugging his arm as he held the present in his arms. He chuckled and gently teared open the paper. He looked at it questioningly since he saw the back of the book before flipping it over and reading the title, a huge smile spreading over his lips.

"How did you know I wanted All the Light we Cannot See?" he questioned, giving me a look. I just smiled.

"I saw you looking at it in Barne's N' Noble a couple of weeks ago and I had a copy so I thought I might as well give it to you," I breathed out, "I've read it a thousand times and I know you'd like it." He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek, thanking me for it. "I also have a cake."

"You and your sweet tooth," he chuckled.

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