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~Heather's POV~

It's been a couple of day's since I spoke with Slander, and I don't know if I should take what he said to heart or not. Slander told me how Jack has turned into an eyeless cannibal with grey skin and shark teeth. I.. don't know if I should believe that or not. How does a normal guy get turned into... that? He did, however, make a deal with me. If I told him some information on Jack, he would tell me where I could find Jack and give me something so I wouldn't die upon meeting him. And you bet I took that deal. If there was even the smallest of chances of it being Jack, then I'm going to take it.

Apparently the 'something' he gave me were accelerated healing and enhanced agility. I don't really know how he gave me them, after he told me what the powers were, everything goes fuzzy and I woke up in my bed. I guess he teleported me home and erased my memory of giving me powers or something? I don't know. He's family with Slenderman.

I sighed as I got a small bag ready. It was around eleven at night and my parent's had already gone to sleep, as they have to get up early tomorrow for a flight for work. The only thing's I put in my bag were a couple of snacks, a bottle of water, some pictures of me and Jack, and a couple other odds and ends I thought I might need. Like a flashlight and portable phone charger.

After sneaking out of the house, I made my way into the woods behind my house. Apparently, Jack 'hunts' at different places and would be somewhere around here tonight. I searched for what seemed like hours, but was actually only an hour. I sighed and took out my water bottle before hearing something break behind me. Turning around, I was quickly tackled to the ground by a taller man wearing black clothing and a blue mask.

I struggled to push him off, as he had me pinned down. I kneed him in his privates, making him groan and weaken his grip. I was able to kick him off and looked around for something I could use as a weapon. I got up and grabbed a decently sized log that was laying nearby and turned to see the man already getting back up and charging at me.

I panicked and swung the log at him, hitting him in the face and knocking his mask off as he fell to the ground. I pulled out my flashlight and shined it at the man, freezing as I saw his features. He had grey skin, shark-like teeth, and a black tar like substance was dripping from his eyes. Holy shit... Slander wasn't kidding...

"Jack..?" I questioned, my voice shaking. Jack seemed panicked before scrambling up and putting his mask back on. "Jack it's me-" Before I knew it, he had pinned me back down again, this time slamming me down harder than the last time.

"How do you know my name?!" he yelled, digging his nails into my wrists as he pulled out a scalpel with his other hand and putting it against my neck. He seemed to falter for a moment as he yanked off my necklace. "And why do you have this?!" he yelled again, holding up the engagement ring.

"You gave it to me!" I replied, struggling to get out from under him. "You gave it to me a week before you disappeared! If you don't believe me look in my bag, I have pictures of us!" I couldn't tell what his expression was behind his mask, but I could only assume he didn't trust me. He practically tore open my bag with his free hand and looked for the pictures, finding them near the bottom. He froze as he picked up the picture I took the day he proposed.

He let go and got off of me as he took the picture in both hands and just stared at the picture. I sat up and rubbed my wrists before sitting beside him. After a moment of staring at the picture, he moved to get the other's, seeing that a majority of the pictures were the two of us together, the other's were just pictures of him and I doing various things.

"This... was really me?" he questioned, slowly turning to look at me.

"Yeah," I sighed, "how much do you actually remember..?" He didn't say anything for a while, he just stared at the picture's in his hands. I was about to say something but he sighed and spoke up.

"Not much," he mumbled, "It's all hazy... I remember the ring, some names, and what... what they did to me..."

Before I could even stop myself I pointed to a picture and started to explain why I took the picture. The first one I happened to point to was of Jack asleep on his bed while Greg and Jacob doodled on his face. He had stayed up all night studying for a big test, took the test, went back to his room and passed out. I continued to talk about the other pictures, some being cute like Jack falling asleep cuddling me and other's were pretty stupid, like me just waking up with a grouchy look and messy bed hair.

I still couldn't tell what he was thinking with the mask on, but I assumed he was smiling, as he gave me the necklace and pictures back and didn't seem to want to kill me anymore. So that was good, at least. After putting the necklace on and putting the pictures in my pocket, I was about to rub my wrists again, but realized that they no longer had the marks on them. Jack seemed to notice this and took my hand in his before moving it up to his face.

"How are they already gone?" he questioned, turning my hand over and looking over my wrist before looking up at me.

"Oh, uh, I was talking with Slander-" I started, only to get cut off.

"You talked with Slander?!" he questioned, surprised. He dropped my hand and put his hands on my shoulder's, presumably looking around my face.

"Uh yeah..." I replied, "He was following me around and when I spotted him we talked for a bit and he gave me enhanced healing and agility... He was also the one who told me I could find you out here and what happened to you.." I sighed. Jack stayed quiet for a moment before standing up and practically dragging me with him.

     "...You need to come with me."

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