The Family

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~Heather's POV~

     Jack peered in through a window of the large mansion before backing away and taking my hand in his. He then lead me to the back of the house and into what seemed to be a backdoor for a lab. I looked around saw that there was some blood stains on the metal floor but other than that, the room was pretty spotless. I'm going to assume this was Jack's as I'm not sure how many actual people in this house would need to have something like this, and I've learned a few things by talking to Jack on the way here.

    I've learned that, while he may not be the same Jack that I once knew, there are still parts of my Jack in him. He still likes books, he's still into all his medical stuff, and still cares for me. However, he's less talkative and more introverted, he hates some of the 'people' he's living with, and knows how to fight. So, give or take, theres like... twenty five percent of my Jack still in there somewhere and I will take it.

     Jack lead me up some stairs and to what, I can only assume, is his room. When I looked around I noted that it looked similar to his dorm room. There was a desk shoved in the corner of the room with a bookcase beside it filled with tons of books, his bed was pushed up against the same wall with a window above his bed and a bedside table next to it. Next to the bedroom door, the wall opposite of his bed, desk, and bookshelf, was a dresser and another bookshelf filled with only slightly less books than the other. Though, this one was filled with books on all sorts of medicine, medical procedures, and all that good stuff. His walls were a dark blue and his floors were wooden but there was a large red rug covering the middle of the floor.

     I walked over to the bookshelf next to his desk and bed and looked around. I spotted some books that he loved like: Even if it Kills Her by Kate White, the Shadow and Bone trilogy by Leigh Bardugo, the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, and All the Light we Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I slid the book out and saw that it's been read to death basically and smiled slightly.

     "What?" questioned Jack, as he walked up beside me. I just slid the book back and sighed.

     "You really wanted to read that book and I gave you my copy as an anniversary present... you got so happy..." I frowned remembering the moment. "You had just given me your present of roses and this engagement ring then I took a picture and you opened my present and the we ate cake and watched Ghost Rider..." I sighed again. "But hey, we're together now, aren't we?" I smiled up at him but still didn't know his emotion until he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him and we stayed like that for a few moments until there was banging on his door.

     Jack quickly told me to hide under his bed and I did so. Thankfully, his sheets came down far enough to hide me from sight and if I moved them just right I could see what was happening.

     Jack opened the door and two guys strode in. One was wearing a bloodied hoodie, held a knife, had no eyelids and a carved smile; the other has a Link outfit on that was bloodied, elf ears, black eyes with red pupils, and blood dripping from his eyes. Holy shit. That's Jeff the Killer and Ben Drowned. They were real?! What, the actual, fuck?

     "Man! You won't believe what just happened to Ben and I!" Jeff started. Ben nodded in agreement as he sat down on the bed. "This girl that's apparently BP's girlfriend or whatever basically forced Ben to bring her here and then spritzed us in the eyes! With Febreze!" I put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing, because I would have paid to see the infamous Jeff and Ben being spritzed in the eyes and in pain.

     "What's worse is that she's not scared of us!" Ben said, "like, who's not scared of us?! We're Ben Drowned and Jeff the Killer! We're murderers!"

      "What makes you think I care?" Jack asked in a bored voice, "and I told you to stop coming in here and acting like I'm your therapist. I may be your doctor, but I'm not a therapist. Go rant to Masky or Hoodie." Jack crossed his arms but I couldn't see anymore as Jeff stood in front of my view. Damn it Jeff!

     "But EJ," Ben whined, "you're our friend! You tolerate us the most!" EJ? What kinda name is that? I heard Jack sigh while Ben got off the bed before some shuffling around. I frowned as I waited for something to happen, but it seemed like nothing was happening and they just stood there in silence. That is, until I felt something grab my ankle and drag me out from under the bed.

     "Hey-" I stared but was greeted by an angry Jeff and smirking Ben. "Hi, I'm Heather." I stood up and dusted myself off before offering my hand to the two of them, but neither shook my hand. "Okay that's a little rude. Uh, if you're wondering what I'm doing here, I'm Jack's fiancée and-"

     "FIANCÉE?!" both of them yelled before looking between Jack's and I. Jack stood frozen at his door and nodded. "Since when?!" Jeff asked.

      "May eighth," I spoke up, making them glare at me.

     "We didn't ask you!" Jeff snarled, before attempting to swipe at me with his knife. I panicked and did the only thing I could think of. Kick him in his privates. Jeff fell to the ground and Ben just started laughing. When I looked up at Jack he just stared at us before looking to the door. When I looked over, I noticed that a whole lotta Creepypastas were standing and trying to get a peek at what had just happened.

     Me, being the socially awkward person that I am, smiled and waved slightly at them before Jack pulled me away from Jeff and Ben. He stood in front of me protectively as Slenderman appeared in the middle of the room.

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