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~Third Person POV~

     Slenderman stared at EJ and the girl behind him before turning his attention to BP and the girl in front of him. He didn't know how to take the situation, as both EJ and BP have been here for a little over a month and know the rules. But then again, what were the odds that two girls show up at the same time for nearly the same reason? He was a little interested in them, to say the least.

     "What is going on here?" Slenderman asked to no one in particular, as he knew what was going on, but felt like it was needed for him to ask.

    "EJ and Ben brought these two girls to the house," Jeff explained, "Apparently EJ has a fiancee and the other was friends with BP."

    "You... have a fiancee?" Jane asked, tilting her head. A few of the other's looked questioningly over at him. EJ only crossed his arms and kept Heather behind her.

     "It's... complica-" EJ started, getting interrupted by Heather.

     "He proposed before he became who he is now, I still love him. Ya'll girls can fuck off," Heather said with a smile before hugging one of EJ's arms.

      "You are such a child," EJ sighed, shaking his head.

      "You're the one who fell in love with a child," Heather retorted. A few of the other's shared a look of doubt, but didn't question them further. Slenderman sighed and shook his head.

      "Is there anything else I need to know?" Slenderman asked.

      "Skylor sprayed Febreze in mine and Jeff's eyes!" Ben stated, pointing at Skylor. Skylor smiled and waved at Slender.

      "And I would gladly do it again if I need too," Skylor chuckled darkly, holding up the bottle of Febreze.

     "So, let me get this straight," Slendy started, turning towards Skylor. "Skylor, you angered Ben, asked him if he knew BP, got him to take you here to meet Helen, and along the way you managed to spritz Jeff and Ben in the eyes?"

     "Yeah," Skylor nodded.

     "And you," he said, turning towards Heather. "Heather, you met with my uncle, found out where EJ would be, found a way to make him remember some of his past life, and then came here with him?"

     "Yeah," Heather nodded. "I'm not just gonna give up on my fiance. Like damn, what kinda fiancee would I be if I didn't try to look for him?"

     "I... would like to keep you two here for a while. You are not like other's, especially you." Slendy continued to stare at Heather. While Slendy wasn't the oldest in the family, he was deemed head of the family as he was the most responsible. With that being said, Slander told Slender what had happened. It was quite concerning knowing that she was able to see him.

     "Huh? Why?" Heather asked as everyone looked her way.

     "Because as far as I know, not a single human is able to see anyone in my family unless we want to be seen. The night you met Slander, not a single person noticed him. Except for you," Slendy explained. "With that said, no one in this house, under any circumstances are allowed to hurt either of you until further notice." Everyone agreed before Slendy teleported out of the room, leaving an awkward and unnerving silence in the air.

     After a few moments, the pasta's started to either leave or walk over to EJ and Heather to question them. Mainly; Liu, Sally, LJ, Toby, Masky, Hoodie, and Herobrine were the most interested in her. Everyone else started to leave, not really caring much for Skylor, as most have seen firsthand what she could do.

~Skylor's POV~

     "So, as I was saying," I said, turning to the masked man from earlier. I would learn all their names at a later date. "Are you gay, yes or no?"

     "I don't have to put up with you," he said, slipping past the crowd and into this 'EJ's' room. I crossed my arms and huffed before looking around and seeing who else I could be a potential date for Helen. Hmmm... AHA! There was a guy who was wearing a white or light grey shirt, black pants and jacket, black gloves, and a dark grey beanie.

     The guy seemed to be disinterested in what was happening with EJ and Heather. Though, I couldn't help but feel as if I knew him. He seemed.. familiar.. I squinted slightly, and I guess Helen must have sensed this and sighed. I smiled up at him before looking back towards to where the guy was standing but he disappeared. Hmm... I shrugged it off and left with Helen back to his room. I would ask him about the other guy later.

     Helen sighed as I practically dragged him downstairs. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, he decided to just show me around the large house. There was a library, two gaming rooms, an attic and basement, a theater, a kitchen, living room, dining room, and the rooms where everyone stayed in.

     "You'll probably have to share a room with me though..." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I wasn't really expecting company, so I need to clean up."

      "That's fine," I replied, "I can help!"

~Heather's POV~

     I continued to stay behind EJ as a few other's walked over. Mainly because there was a guy that seemed nice enough but had what seemed like a thousand stitches; a giant, eight foot, monochrome, clown; and a man with glowing eyes and about the same height as the clown; and two guys with either a mask or hood covering their face. Though, the man with googles and the girl with blood dripping from her head didn't bother me much. Probably because they weren't much taller than me, unlike the other four that seemed to loom over me.

      "So..." asked the man with a feminine mask, "you're his fiancee?"

     "Yes," I replied, smiling. "And I have no intention of leaving him. I do, however, want to kill the cultists that did this to him."

      "Not to be rude," Jack said, "But you might want to leave the killing to us. We are kinda profes-"

      "Jack," I cut him off, "They took most of what I know of you away. I will kill them one way or another. I may have an innocent and childish personality but that doesn't mean I won't shank a bitch or two."

     "O- ooh," the man with googles started, "I li- like her."

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