Chapter 2

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Today was the day I was going back to Hogwarts. I Was very scared for Abi. she would be all alone, giving that I wasn't comming home for Christmas, for almost a year

"If you need anything, just write," I say to her. I try my hardest to hold back my emotions. I never cry because it makes me seem vulnerable.

"I will," she says. I can see her crying. I always Hate September First.

"Im going to miss you, haley," She said hugging me even tighter

"Im going to miss you more," I say. I want to cry to show her that I care. but I can't

"Remember, Midge is also there if you need anything," I say to her. their bond isn't as close as heres but Midge would do anything to protect Abi

"I know. Please don't let Brandon get to you. He doesn't understand how much of an innocent human being you are"

"Dont worry, I couldn't care less about him," I said

I kiss Abi on the head and call midge. she takes Abi with her. normally Abi hangs around with the house-elves. she's so little that the love her.

I sigh. Lily and James have already left to take Brandon to the train. Your probably wondering why I call them lily and James. You see they lost the title of my parents when they neglected me. James lost his title when he hit me for the first time ever.

Thankfully the leaky coldron is only a 5 Minuit walk away from the station. I walk into the living room and flop to the leaky coldron

"Ah Hayley nice to see you" said Tom

Me and Tom have a good friendship. I normally chill out here a lot during the summer. I often bring Abi here as well.

"Nice to see you to Tom" I say with a smile

"Shouldn't you be at the train" he said

"I'm on my way there now" I say

I bid him fairwell and make my way down the street

I check my watch and see I have 15 minuits to get to the train. That should be plenty

After a 4 Minuit walk I arrive at kings cross and wait for the cost to be clear before crossing onto the platform.

"Hayley" I hear someone say. I look around and see Mary.

Mary was Chelsea's younger sister. Whenever I would be over at her house she was always so sweet. I'm see her in here plain hogwarts robes.

Now I remember. She was starting hogwarts this year. How could I forget. She was so excited.

"Hello, Mary. Have a good summer" I ask

"It was alright. Now that Chelsea's gone mum and dad have been looking after me. No one will tell me where she's gone to, or if she's coming back" she said

I feel bad. She's to young to know the truth. Maybe when she older than we can tell her

"Chelsea's has gone. She up there looking over you" I say Ponting to the sky

"She's in the sky. What's she doing up there. When's she coming back" she asks clearly not knowing that she isn't

"The thing is she's not coming back. She going to be up there for a long time. When your older you will see her again" I say

"I wish she would come back" she says

"I do to Mary" I say

It's true I miss her. No words can explain how much I miss her.

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