The news that Hayley potter, Had replaced Draco Malfoy on the Slytherin quidditch team had traveled like wild fire. No one had expected the boy who lived sister to be a quidditch player, especially with his reputation. No one had expected that flint would remove Draco Malfoy from the team either. his father was furious, so was dumbledore.
dumbledore couldn't believe that Hayley potter had made the Slytherin quidditch team. He couldn't even believe that she played quidditch. Brandon's Spotlight Couldn't be taken away from him because of a silly little girl. He needed the Potters on his side if he was going to use Brandon to destroy Tom. He didn't Need to Worry about the 2nd potter child. With Brandon as the oldest And the prophecy child, dumbledore needed to Train up Brandon And get him to remain Trusting him.
he couldn't help but notice however that brandons magic wasn't improving to the level of which his peers were. He was an Average wizard but nothing more. he could only wonder if The other potter brat being around, was what was causing him to be less able. maybe he was focusing too much on her and not his training. He Needed To get rid of her.
suddenly an idea came to his head. the first quidditch match was comming up shortly. if he had Hayley somehow "Get Injured" During the game, not only could he get her out of the picture and to ST mungos for a longs period of time, he could also Guarantee the win for Brandon. it wouldn't be that hard to tamper with a bludger and to get the weasly twins to "Accidentaly" Take the girl out. That was also a bonus that Slytherin would be out of the running for the quidditch cup.
silently smirking to himself he took a lemon drop from his bowl and Started chewing. maybe the brat was good for something after all.
hayley was walking to Professor lupin's office. she needed to ask for help with the homework. She was determined to Get her marks back up. She wanted to be on top of the class again. She didn't get very far before she was pushed up against the wall
"Stop trying to be better than me" said Brandon, the anger clearly showing on his features
"I'm not trying to upstage you, im simply trying out new things" saud Hayley.
she wasn't in the mood to argue. not when she needed to finish this essay. she completely forgot it was due, until about 10 minutes ago.
"There is no point in even trying Hayley, just ask dad. you know your nothing. you're not going to amount to anything"
"Brandon I actually have to go see a teacher to get help for an essay, so I would appreciate it if you gave me 5 minutes of peace".
"I can't let you think you can get away with everything, you need to be taught a lesson"
without any warning, a punch was thrown at her face. 10 second later came another punch and another punch
"Have you learn't your lesson?" He said, still clearly angry
Haley got up from her position on the floor. no matter how much pain she was in. she didn't care that she could hardly see. she was over it
"I never thought that you would ever be as james" She spat "I guess i was wrong"
"What's that suppose to mean," He said
"Come to me when you figure it out" She whispered liming out to the lake
Maybe things can get worse after all

The Wrong Potter
FanfictionHayley and Brandon potter were twins born on July 31, 1981. When Voldemort attacks Godric Hollow and Brandon is pronounced the boy who lived Hayley gets neglected and even emotionally and verbally abused. after years of neglect, you would look at he...