Chapter 46. Gnumus

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Tyler: Human

Unlike when searching for Short, the team was able to fly the Scouter directly to the location that the black box indicated.

They landed the Scouter smoothly onto a pile of dust right next to a large rock formation with a small opening at its side.

It was a deep cave, it's opening no more than a slit that they would barely fit through.

"Captain..." Muttered Bai as they examined the rock face with it's thin crevice. "...Haven't we gone into enough dark places lately?"

"Yes." Byralnus replied pensively. "I'm not sure what to do. The large force of PPF agents that I requested are on their way to another galaxy... not to mention that they don't want us on this case anymore."

"Byralnus, the indicator is saying that there is a large amount of Circuits here." Tyler pointed at the dark opening before them. "In a cave! Does that even make sense?"

"Tyler has a point." Jirabi said, scratching his chin thoughtfully and eying the dark crack. "We know Circuits can't live without being attached to a lifeline, and the only lifelines we have seen are in Circuit crafts."

"...And Short's suit, but that was Rhaa technology." Added Tyler.

"Alright." Concluded Byralnus. "I admit that this situation is unexpected. But we shouldn't be risking our lives just to satisfy our curiosity."

"...Byralnus!" Groaned Tyler, turning to him.

"BUT," continued the Crystal, holding up his spiked hand to silence her. "Because I know how easily obedience is overcome by your curiosity—Jacobs," the Captain frowned at her, "I will go in and assess the situation. If it is deemed safe by myself, then the rest of you may join me. Understood?"

Bai and Tyler nodded.

"And before you object, Malba," Continued Byralnus quickly, "I will not have you come with me, I want you to stay behind in case something goes wrong."

Jirabi nodded slowly. "Yes sir."

"Very good." Byralnus walked through the dune piles and cautiously approached the crevice.

Without looking back, the thin Ferionus pushed himself through and disappeared from their sight.

The team stood in the dust in silence.

The planet's star was once again scorching the dunes, and Tyler began to wonder if the sun even set. It seemed to her that the sun was in the exact same place as it had been when they landed on Gnumus to find Short, which should have been several days ago.

Our planet is tidally locked with our star, mistress. Said the voice of Ishnook. The sun never sets on this part of the planet.

Tyler smiled. It was nice having a Gnumus expert in her head. It was a little obnoxious keeping it to herself though.

Thanks for your appreciation, my lady. But why is it again that you haven't told your friends about me? It almost hurts my feelings.

I... I don't know. Thought Tyler. I just haven't found the right time to tell anyone yet.

There was a soft chuckle in her mind. Ah, no point trying to keep the truth away from me my dear. I can see you are a little embarrassed of me. That is fine. But I am not offended, because I understand that having me in your hair is still a new concept to you. Said the Bovase.

I'm sorry Ishnook. Tyler thought, feeling slightly guilty.

Just then Bryalnus reemerged from the dark slit in the rock wall. His transparent pink crystal body glimmered in the sunlight as it became partially exposed to the sun.

"Alright team. I think we are safe." Byralnus said briskly. "Follow me; you're all going to want to see this."

He slid back into the darkness of the rock.

Tyler and Bai glanced at each other.

"Alright guys, go for it." Jirabi motioned towards the opening. "I'm going to go in last."

Tyler, Bai, and Heva moved to the rock face. Heva hopped through the opening without a struggle, and Tyler watched as Bai squeezed through with several grunts.

Then Tyler followed after. The two rock sides of the opening were close enough that Tyler had to turn to her side to make it through, but it wasn't too difficult.

It took several moments for her eyes to adjust to the pitch darkness, but it wasn't long before she realized that to her surprise, on the inside the cave was not small in the slightest.

Instead, the thin opening lead directly into an enormous cavern.

The walls of the alcoves were sheer, and the flat floor that the team was standing on continued on for a ways before dropping off abruptly with a steep cliff.

Byralnus was standing near the cliff's edge with his suit's light shining.

Jirabi pushed himself through the crevice behind her. They were all in the cave now.

Tyler heard the little Heva gasp quietly.

"Heva? Are you okay?" Asked Tyler.

The little Terilli was walking towards the edge of the cliff slowly, as if in a trance. "This... This is the dream..." Heva muttered.

"Wow!" Bai said loudly as she rubbed her four eyes. "This place almost looks... well, not natural?"

"Yes." Remarked Bryalnus. "Manufactured. I was thinking the same thing. But come look at this." He pointed his crystal hand down off the edge of the cliff.

Tyler walked carefully over to him, eying Heva to make sure she was okay. She reached the edge and looked down.

Tyler gasped.

The level below them was not far from the cliffs edge. But Tyler could only barely see the floor of the cavern.

The ground beneath them was piled with thousands of dead Circuits, all smeared and dripping with the same black ooze that had filled the floor of Short's ship.

Not far from the peak of the pile lay the Queen's dead body.

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