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So first things first...sorry bout not updating I've been busy with school...DAYUM middle school is tiring LOL...so yeah enjoy TEH storyyyyy!

I saw the freaking creatures, no lie...but who was that with them? "Holy mother of brownie pie." I said under my breath. "I can never catch a break can I?" I saw Summer, Kylie, Hannah, and Karla flirting with them. "Who the hell are those girls?" Ashley asked, clearly confused. "Judging by your red eyes, I say you know some of these people." She said calmly. "Just the girls, you know who one of them are, the rest of the girls are the rest of her clique." I pause. "The guys are a famous group of youtubers called 'The Creatures'." "Oh...okay, lets go over..." She says, trying to find somewhere to go. "There!" She exclaimed, quickly pulling me into a random store.

"Where are we?" I asked. "We're at Aeropostale!!!" She says excitedly. "Oh yeah." I say, immediately recognizing the store. Apparently we went into the wrong store, because the group of bitches, and the creatures. "Out of my way bitch!" Karla said to me, And of course with me and my anger issues, I said, "Oh hey It's the 'Popular girls'!" I say putting quotations on popular girls and afterwards said "Got another thing you want to say to me? No? Okay, well I just want to say one thing, I shouldn't have only punched you, but I did, this time you might not be that lucky." I said calmly, everyone but Ashley and The Creatures backed up. "Lets just go Ash." I urge her, and we leave.

Sorry bout the lame update but who carez!!!! I'm so sorry about not updating for proboably about two weeks and I will try to update AT LEAST once or twice a week and if I forget I will do three that day...so yeah!!! ba-haii

Adopted By Team Crafted (A Jaydon Smith Story) JKWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt