Whatever you wanna call it

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We were driving home, wow, I almost forgot the TC house was my home...and with that I almost zoned out, lucky for me Ashley brought me back into the real world with an interesting question. "Why do those girls treat you like that? Are they always that bitchy? Tell me how you met them." She threw at me. "I don't know, yes, and I don't remember all of it." I replied. "Tell me anyways!" She practically screamed at me. "Okay, jeez." I said with a slight laugh, before continuing, "It was my second year at the orphanage, and all of them were brought in, I was nice to them at first, but well...I found them ready to beat the shit out of Mari. They said 'Oh come on you don't need her, you have us! Don't you want to be popular?" Kylie cooed, soon all of them were trying to persuade me to beat up Mari, and...well...I wasn't having their shit. So I helped Mari, and we started beating the 'girls', and well....yeah...here I am!" I told Ash, she's so trustworthy and sisterly, you could tell her anything, seriously ANYTHING. "I've decided something." She said to me pulling into the driveway. "What?" I asked. "Your officially my favorite person EVER!" She said, pretty much screaming the last part as we walked through the door. "Hey Alex!" Jason and Ty said in unison. "Hey dudes!" I said to them. "You go put away the stuff we bought, I need to tell the guys what happened." Ashley told me. "Aight, I'll be back in a few." I said and walked upstairs to go to my room. Well...THAT was eventful. I quickly put everything away, and went downstairs.

"Wow! That's SO COOL!!!" I heard an exited Adam yell. "What did I miss?" I asked, walking into the room. "Nothing much....just that you're a TOTAL BADASS!" Jerome literally screamed the last part. "hmmm" I went over to sit on the couch upside-down. "And what do you think you're doing?" Mitch asked curiously. "ummmmm, sitting on the couch upside down.............DUH!!" I said in my 'are you stupid' voice.

"Oh and you're going to start school next week." Jason told me as I walked into the kitchen later that day. I groaned loudly. "Oh come on it's not that bad.....what grade are you in anyways?" he asked. "I'm in 8th." I reply dully. "Alrighty, well Ashley and Adam are getting school supplies right now." As soon as he tells me that he gets a text. "Hey Ashley wanted me to ask you witch backpack you wanted." he says and shows me two pictures of awesome backpacks. One was blue with a white splotches that looked like paint.
The second backpack was multicolored and said VANS on it in what looked like a navy blue. "I like the VANS one personally." I said. Mitch simply nodded. I sighed, my first day back to school in a week, but I've only been away from school for about 2 days now.
Backpack #1:

Backpack #2:

Adopted By Team Crafted (A Jaydon Smith Story) JKWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt